Plan of the Broch of Gurness, Aikerness. Marked 'Broch,Knowe of Gurness, Eve, Orkney. Made up from plans by H.M. Office of Works'. Orkney Inventory fig.128
SC 338390
Description Plan of the Broch of Gurness, Aikerness. Marked 'Broch,Knowe of Gurness, Eve, Orkney. Made up from plans by H.M. Office of Works'. Orkney Inventory fig.128
Date c. 1931
Collection Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Catalogue Number SC 338390
Category On-line Digital Images
Copy of ORD 18/2 P
Scope and Content Broch at Gurness, Orkney The Broch of Gurness is built looking out over Eynhallow Sound to Rousay. The broch and its outer defences survive, with a network of structures in the area between which are probably of a later date. The sea has eroded part of the N side of the site. This is a plan of the site. The broch itself is at the centre of the site. It is surrounded by several houses which were built slightly later. The site is enclosed by a wall, ramparts and ditches. The site has been excavated and later the finds are in the museum on the site, the Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh and Tankerness House Museum, Kirkwall. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN.
External Reference Inv. fig. 128
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