View from West North West of Scandic Crown Hotel in the High Street
B 70826 CN
Description View from West North West of Scandic Crown Hotel in the High Street
Date 1/6/1992
Catalogue Number B 70826 CN
Category Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
Copies SC 426694
Scope and Content Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza (formerly Scandic Crown Hotel), High Street, Edinburgh The Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, a mock medieval tenement built in 1990, filled a vacant site in the High Street called 'Grant's gap-site' created when 18th-century buildings were demolished in 1970. The hotel, in Scottish vernacular style, incorporates three Closes, Melrose, Cant's and Dickson's, the latter forming its entrance. It is primarily a 250 bedroom hotel but displays some of the rich colour, vitality and tradition of the Old Town. Originally, each house and garden bordering High Street formed a 'close' or enclosure. With the growth of population, gardens were built on, and the name 'close' was given to the lanes leading to them. Each close was named after its most famous resident. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN.
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