Archive from watching brief and excavation at Muir Street, Hamilton
551 151/8/20
Description Archive from watching brief and excavation at Muir Street, Hamilton
Date 1996 to 1999
Collection Records of Kirkdale Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 151/8/20
Category All Other
Scope and Content Files labelled Low Parks, Riding School and Muir Street relate to multiple investigations at the same location. Photograph codes: KA 2186 - KA 2187 KA 2211 - KA 2227 KA 2256 KA 2357 - KA 2358 KA 2442 - KA 2443 KA 4851 KA 5126 - KA 5128 KA 5224 - KA 5225 Drawing codes: KA 2896 - KA 2908 KA 4218 - KA 4271 KA 4264 - KA 4265
Accession Number 2024/34
External Reference MS98