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Archive from standing building survey and excavations of Dymock's Buildings, Bo'ness.
551 151/5/10
Description Archive from standing building survey and excavations of Dymock's Buildings, Bo'ness.
Date 15/2/1999 to 4/2003
Collection Records of Kirkdale Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 151/5/10
Category All Other
Scope and Content Multi-phased investigation, including Courtyard recording (2002) and additional work in the Kiln Room (2003). Photograph codes: KA 1418 KA 2446 KA 4849 KA 5063-5077 KA 5272 KA 5288-91 KA 5314 KA 5323 Drawing codes: KA 4085-4135 KA 4849 contains images relating to Kircaldy High Street. KA 5288-91 includes images of Torrylin.
Accession Number 2024/33; 2024/51
External Reference Bo'ness/DB004; DB99; DB02/DB03; DB98/DB001; DB98; DB99; DB02