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Records from Nicholas Boyes Stone Conservation Limited, conservators, Edinburgh, Scotland
551 717
Description Records from Nicholas Boyes Stone Conservation Limited, conservators, Edinburgh, Scotland
Date 2003 to 2008
Collection Records from Nicholas Boyes Stone Conservation Limited, conservators, Edinburgh, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 717
Category All Other
Scope and Content A collection of reports on stone conservation projects by Nicholas Boyes Stone Conservators. Projects include: the Service Stone, Holyrood Churchyard, Stirling; gate pillar and associated masonry, Tyninghame House, East Lothian; Runic Inscribed Stone at St. Peter's Kirk, Thurso, Highland; Sir William Oliphant Memorial, at Aberdalgie Parish Church, Perthshire; the Findlater and Boyne Monument, Fordyce Parish Church, Aberdeenshire; Stone of Mannan and Clackmannan Mercat Cross, Clackmannan; Robert Burns Statue, Dumfries.
Archive History Presented to RCAHMS by Nicholas Boyes on completion of each project. Accessioned as: Acc No 2003/111, Service Stone; Acc No 2005/237, Burns Statue; Acc No 2007/61; Acc No 2007/85, runic stone, Thurso; Acc No 2007/118, Aberdalgie, Fordyce; Acc No 2008/13, Clackmannan.
Access Conditions Open, but note that access may be subject to provisions outlined in the Data Protection Act and conservation requirements. Please contact the archive to confirm access in advance of a visit.
Administrative History Nicolas Boyes Stone Conservation Limited. Incorporated in 2001, with Nicolas Boyes as director, the company specialised in conservation assessments and treatments of historic stonework.The company ceased trading in 2014 and was dissolved in 2019.
Accruals No accruals are anticipated.