Near vertical aerial view of pillbox and anti-tank blocks at Innes Links, Moray, looking SW.
SC 1867656
Description Near vertical aerial view of pillbox and anti-tank blocks at Innes Links, Moray, looking SW.
Date 1999
Collection Papers of James Sloan Bone, landscape historian, Inverness, Highland, Scotland
Catalogue Number SC 1867656
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content The image shows anti-tank blocks, a pillbox and two lines of pits or trenches designed to deter aircraft from landing; all part of the WW2 Innes Links Emergency Coast Battery -- the only one in Scotland built to defend a beach (in this instance the shoreline between the rivers Spey and Lossie). Features of the Battery, located further west (not in this image), included an observation post, gun and searchlight emplacements, engine rooms, communication trenches and an accommodation camp. Title and Scope & Content contributed by North of Scotland Archaeological Society (2021).
Accession Number 2019/15
External Reference P11285
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution: © Copyright: NOSAS (James S Bone Collection). Courtesy of HES.
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