Papers of Robert Scott Morton, architect and town planner, Edinburgh, Scotland
551 516
Description Papers of Robert Scott Morton, architect and town planner, Edinburgh, Scotland
Date c. 1942 to 1974
Collection Papers of Robert Scott Morton, architect and town planner, Edinburgh, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 516
Category All Other
Scope and Content The collection comprises around 215 photographs taken by Robert Scott Morton of buildings, villages and sites across Scotland, ranging in date from around 1942 to 1974, including many farm buildings photographed between 1963 and 1967, as well as photographs and drawings of Ann Street, Edinburgh.
Archive History Part of the collection was purchased from Robert Scott Morton by the National Buildings Record, Scottish Council as recorded in their minute book 29 January 1954 (MS 68/1/2), including prints of 'Garlieston, etc', and bear the stamp of the National Buildings Record, Scottish Council. Additional prints were acquired on one or more occasions by the Scottish National Buildings Record and RCAHMS in the 1960s and 1970s. Many later prints are stamped Scottish National Buildings Record although postdating the merger with RCAHMS. All the prints are mounted on card, and recorded as photographed by R Scott Morton or just 'RSM'. The early accession gives his address as 'White House, Nether Liberton', and many of the later ones as '5, Greenhill Park, Edinburgh'. The negatives are recorded as retained by Scott Morton on some of the prints.
Access Conditions There are no restrictions upon access but please contact the archive in advance of a visit.
Administrative History Robert Scott Morton (1910-1996) was a Scottish architect and town planner. He joined the Department of Health for Scotland in 1939 as assistant architect. During the Second World War he served in the Royal Engineers, he was involved in mine clearance, and served in Burma. After his war service he became senior architect in 1947 and later planning officer working with amongst others Alan Reiach under Robert Matthew. He advanced to Deputy Chief Architect with responsibility for building policy, architectural control and design research, and he dealt with schools, hospitals, police and fire service buildings, prisons and hotels. In 1957 he became responsible for advice and services to the Department of Agriculture. In 1962 he and other Scottish Office architects were transferred to the Scottish Development Department. After his retirement he was part-time architect on the Historic Buildings Council cases, and full time Historic Buildings investigator standing in for David Walker in 1973. His published works includes 'Traditional Farm Architecture in Scotland'. Robert Scott Morton was the son of the furniture manufacturer William Stewart Morton, and grandchild of Robert Scott Morton, founder of the Scott Morton and Co cabinet making and interior design business. Further information on Dictionary of Scottish Architects:
Accruals No further accruals are expected.