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Dick, Peddie and Mackay Drawings

551 262/330

Description Dick, Peddie and Mackay Drawings

Collection Survey of Private Collections

Catalogue Number 551 262/330

Category All Other

Scope and Content Four negatives of plans and elevations of Sutherland Technical College

Archive History Though the archive now holds the collection for Dick, Peddie and Mackay, prior to this it obtained some of its designs by copying its material.

Accession Number 1994/40


Collection Hierarchy - Group Level

Collection Level (551 262) Survey of Private Collections

> Group Level (551 262/330) Dick, Peddie and Mackay Drawings

Preview Category Catalogue Number Title Date Level
On-line Digital Images On-line Digital Images SC 756201 Aberdeen, Castle Street, Municipal Buildings. Digital image of scale drawing of South elevation of Municipal Buildings. Title: 'Elevation to Castle Street. No.2'. Insc: 'Aberdeen Public Libraries; Peddie & Kinnear Archts'. Item Level
Prints and Drawings EDD 192/1 Elevation to George street 1890 Item Level
Prints and Drawings EDD 192/2 Elevation to St Andrews Square and section 10/1892 Item Level
Prints and Drawings EDD 192/3 Centre portion of elevation to George Street 1898 Item Level
Prints and Drawings EDD 192/4 Centre portion of elevation to George Street 1898 Item Level
Prints and Drawings EDD 192/5 Detail of centre pediment 1898 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images ABD 448/2 P Aberdeen, Castle Street, Municipal Buildings. Photographic copy of perspective view of Municipal Buildings from South-West. Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images ABD 448/1/A P Aberdeen, Castle Street, Municipal Buildings. Photographic copy of scale drawing of South elevation of Municipal Buildings. (without overlay). Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images ABD 448/3 P Aberdeen, Castle Street, Municipal Buildings. Photographic copy of scale drawing of South elevation of Municipal Buildings. Title: 'Elevation to Castle Street. No.2'. Insc: 'Aberdeen Public Libraries; Peddie & Kinnear Archts'. Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images ABD 448/4 P Aberdeen, Castle Street, Municipal Buildings. Photographic copy of scale drawing of elevation and plans of tower. Title: 'Aberdeen Courts. Drawing of upper part of tower'. 12/1868 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images ABD 448/1/B P Aberdeen, Castle Street, Municipal Buildings. Photographic copy of scale drawing of South elevation of Municipal Buildings. (with overlay). Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images PTD 307/3 P St Martin's Abbey. Photographic copy of plan &section of addition. 1860 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images PTD 307/2 P St Martin's Abbey. Photographic copy of bedroom floor plan. 1860 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images PTD 307/1 P St Martin's Abbey. Photographic copy of basement floor plan. 1860 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images SC 756202 Aberdeen, Castle Street, Municipal Buildings. Digital image of scale drawing of elevation and plans of tower. Title: 'Aberdeen Courts. Drawing of upper part of tower'. 12/1868 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images RXD 324/6 Photographic copy of drawing showing attic floor plan. 1/3/1920 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images EDD 524/1 P Photographic copy of annotated plan of basement floor, insc: 'Mr Muir's Property 20 St John Street No. 1. Plan of basement floor.' '131 George Street 16th Jany 1856' 16/1/1856 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images EDD 524/2 P Photographic copy of specification on verso of plan of basement floor, 20 St John Street 1/1856 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images C 9358 Ground Floor Plan u.s. Dated "No 8 Albyn Place, Edinr. Jan 1903" Scale 1":10' 1/1903 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images C 9359 First Floor Plan u.s. Dated "No 8 Albyn Place, Edinr. Jan 1903" Scale 1":10' 1/1903 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images C 9360 Second Floor Plan u.s. Dated "No 8 Albyn Place, Edinr. Jan 1903" Scale 1":10' 1/1903 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images C 9361 North and South Elevation u.s. Dated "No 8 Albyn Place, Edinr. Jan 1903" Scale 1":10' 1/1903 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images B 27110 P North and South Elevations u.s. Dated "No 8 Albyn Place, Edinr. Jan 1903" 1/1903 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images B 27111 P Ground Floor Plan u.s. Dated "No 8 Albyn Place, Edinr. Jan 1903" 1/1903 Item Level

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