A collection of material from the office of David Waugh Sir Frank Mears including presentation drawings for projects in Penicuik, Dalkeith, Stirling, Wester Hailes, the Royal Scots Memorial, as well ...
551 367/1
Description A collection of material from the office of David Waugh Sir Frank Mears including presentation drawings for projects in Penicuik, Dalkeith, Stirling, Wester Hailes, the Royal Scots Memorial, as well as student drawings including a design for a large city hotel.
Collection Frank Mears and Partners
Catalogue Number 551 367/1
Category All Other
Administrative History A collection of drawings by Sir Frank C Mears which includes perspectives, house plans and elevations. Also included are town planning studies, scheme proposals and sketch plans.
Accession Number 2015/134
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1511610