Material relating to Alfred Nobel by JE Dolan, ICI and 'Explosives in the Service of Man' banquet in honour of Alfred Nobel held in Glasgow, 9-11 December 1996.
Coalfield Earthquakes British Geological survey monitor mining tremors in the Midlothian Coalfield, D Redmayne and J Richards [1986]. Collected by Dr MK Oglethorpe (RCAHMS and later HES) as part of industrial survey research
Brief History of Ministry of Supply Factory, Powfoot, near Annan, Dumfries and Galloway. Part of document pack relating to Nobel/ICI Factories and Ministry of Supply Factories producing explosives in the 19th and 20th centuries gathered by Dr MK Oglethorpe, 1996 from Mr John Dolan, ex-of Ardeer Explosives Factory, Irvine, Ayrshire.
Brief History (copy), Portland Glass Company Ltd, Irvine. Part of document pack relating to Nobel/ICI Factories and Ministry of Supply Factories producing explosives in the 19th and 20th centuries gathered by Dr MK Oglethorpe (RCAHMS), 1996 from Mr John Dolan, ex-of Ardeer Explosives Factory, Irvine, Ayrshire.