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Argyllshire Inventory, Volume 3, Mull, Tiree, Coll and Northern Argyll (1980)

551 1/4/1/20

Description Argyllshire Inventory, Volume 3, Mull, Tiree, Coll and Northern Argyll (1980)

Collection Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu

Catalogue Number 551 1/4/1/20

Category All Other


Collection Hierarchy - Sub-Group Level

Preview Category Catalogue Number Title Date Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8281 General view of burial ground 25/4/1976 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8280 General view of headstones 25/4/1976 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 7314 General view of tombstones between north and south burial aisles 1976 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 7312 North burial aisle, detail of window arch 1976 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 7311 North burial aisle, detail of arch 1976 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 7309 Table tomb of Donald Maclean, died 1731. 1976 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 7308 Table tomb of John Livingstone, who died in 1757. 1976 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8649 Table tomb of Vear, daughter of Archibald, son of Colin Campbell, (5th) of Lochnell, who died in 1723. 1978 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8680 Large arch in south wall of north burial aisle; south doorway 1978 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 7310 South burial aisle, detail of inscribed lintel 1978 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8679 Headstone of John Cameron 1978 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8659 Lower part (front) of the shaft of a free standing medieval cross, Iona School, 14th-15th century 1978 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8657 Medieval grave slab, Oronsay School, c.1500-1517. 1978 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8658 Lower part (back) of the shaft of a free standing medieval cross, Iona School, 14th-15th century 1978 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AGD 125/2 P Publication drawing; elevation, plan and section of arch. Photographic copy. c. 1972 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 8656 Detail of medieval grave slab, Iona School, c.1500-1560. Inventory No. 267 (14) 1978 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 7208 General view from north west 23/4/1974 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AG 7209 View from south west 23/4/1974 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AGD 37/7 P Ground floor plan, Mingary Castle. Photographic copy. 1975 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AGD 37/2 Plan of castle, inscr; 'Mingarry Castle. Plan.' Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images AGD 122/1 PO Ardmaddy Castle. Sketched view from North East, showing house and garden bridge. c. 1772 Item Level

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