All Other |
551 1/4/16/30/5/2 |
Village, North Rona |
2009 |
Batch Level |
All Other |
551 1/4/16/30/5/1 |
Teampull Ronain, North Rona |
2009 |
Batch Level |
All Other |
551 1/4/16/30/5/3 |
Peat stand, Toa Rona, North Rona |
2009 |
Batch Level |
All Other |
551 1/4/16/30/5/4 |
Platform (?leacht), Fianais, North Rona |
2009 |
Batch Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147318 |
One of the structures on the slopes SW of Cro Mhic Iain Choinnich, taken from the SW. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147319 |
One of the particularly large peat or turf stands that are scattered across the W end of the S-facing flank of North Rona, taken from the NW. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147320 |
The lighthouse and marker cairn at the summit of Toa Rona, taken from the W. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147321 |
View towards the lighthouse on Toa Rona from Fianuis, taken from the NW. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147322 |
A peat stand overlying a stone and turf dyke on the NW flank of Toa Rona, taken from the SW. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147323 |
One of the peat stands on the slopes of Toa Rona, taken from the N. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147324 |
One of the peat stands on the slopes of Toa Rona, taken from the W |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147325 |
One of the peat stands on the slopes of Toa Rona, taken from the E. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147326 |
One of the peat stands on the slopes of Toa Rona, taken from the E. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147327 |
The marker cairn at the summit of Toa Rona with the lighthouse in the background, taken from the S. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147351 |
One of the numerous stands for stacking peats or turfs on the E slopes of the main ridge of North Rona, taken from the N. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147352 |
Strat Halliday noting the peat stand at the W end of the N flank of the main ridge of North Rona, taken from the SSE. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147353 |
The complex of enclosures Cro Mhic Iain Choinnich, taken from the SW. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147354 |
Small bothy overlying an earlier building on Fianuis, taken from the NE. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147355 |
Looking into the small bothy on Fianuis, taken from the SE. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147356 |
Interior of the upstanding bothy on Fianuis, taken from the NW. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147358 |
One of the ruinous buildings on Fianuis, taken from the W. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147359 |
An enclosure associated with one of the ruinous buildings on Fianuis, taken from the NW. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147360 |
One of the ruinous buildings on Fianuis, taken from the E. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 147361 |
Strat Halliday noting the substantial rectangular kerbed stone structure close to Geodh’ a Stoth, taken from the NW. |
7/2009 |
Item Level |