On-line Digital Images |
DP 135392 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving showing the Royal Institution, Princes Street, Edinburgh.
Titled: 'Royal Institution - School of Design'.
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engraved by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135393 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'John Knox's House'.
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135394 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving showing Edinburgh Castle from the Grass Market.
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135395 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'Edinburgh Castle, National Gallery, & Free Church College, from Princes St. Gardens.'
Inscribed: 'Banks & Co Engravers, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135396 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving showing soldiers marching in front of Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh.
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135397 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'New General Post Office, Edinburgh'.
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135398 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'The High School, Edinburgh'.
Inscribed: 'Banks & Co, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135399 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving showing general view across Waterloo Place, Edinburgh.
Titled: 'Register House, Wellington Statue, Waterloo Place, Calton Hill & New Post Office'.
Inscribed: 'Willm Banks sc Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135400 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'St Giles' Cathedral'
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135401 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'Edinburgh from Calton Hilll'
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135402 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'Dugal Stewarts' Monument, Calton Hill'
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135344 |
Illustrated receipt for Dicksons & Co, nursery seedsmen and florists with engraving showing 1 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh; an inland revenue one penny stamp and list of purchases for Thomas Hunter 1863-1865.
Inscribed: 'Thomas Hunter Esq, 9 Brunswick Street; Edinburgh May 1865. Received payment by us from the Trustees & Executors of the Late Thomas Hunter Esq of 9 Brunswick Street Hillside, Edinr...of the above sum of two Pounds Seventeen Shilings and Eleven pence.' |
1863 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135345 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'Sir Walter Scotts' Monument, Edinburgh'.
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'. |
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135421 |
Illustrated receipt with engraving showing shop front of William Crease & Sons.
Inscribed: 'To William Crease & Sons, Drapers and Cotton Manufacturers, 421 Lawnmarket, Edinburgh'. 'Paid A Robertson'. |
c. 1850 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135422 |
Illustrated receipt with engraving showing shop front of Menelaws, 143 George Street, Edinburgh.
Inscribed: 'Bot of William Menelaws'. Inscribed on verso; '1855 11 Dec Mr Menelaws'
c. 1855 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135403 |
Business card inscribed: 'Wm SYME TIN PLATE WORKER. SMITH. AND FURNISHING IRON MONGER. 3 HOWE STREET. EDINBURGH. Refined & other Oils. Smith work in general done on moderate terms. Country Orders executed with dispatch. Eng by H. Street. Manufactures all kinds of Kitchen Furniture, Self Heating. Shower. and other Baths. Baths. Lent. Kitchen Ranges. Register and other Stoves. Gas Fitting on the most Approved Principle. Smoke Cured.' |
c. 1880 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135404 |
Illustrated receipt with engraving showing shop front of John Clapperton & Co Drap, 371 High Street, Edinburgh.
Receipt for John Donaldson, Esq, 10 Fredrick Street. |
c. 1820 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 135405 |
Illustrated receipt for four flags with engraving showing shop front of Cranston & Elliot, 31-38 Princes Street, Edinburgh. |
c. 1907 |
Item Level |
Print Room |
DC 55866 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'New General Post Office, Edinburgh'.
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
Print Room |
DC 55867 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'The High School, Edinburgh'.
Inscribed: 'Banks & Co, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
Print Room |
DC 55868 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving showing general view across Waterloo Place, Edinburgh.
Titled: 'Register House, Wellington Statue, Waterloo Place, Calton Hill & New Post Office'.
Inscribed: 'Willm Banks sc Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
Print Room |
DC 55869 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'St Giles' Cathedral'
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
Print Room |
DC 55870 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'Edinburgh from Calton Hilll'
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |
Print Room |
DC 55871 |
Illustrated letterhead with engraving titled 'Dugal Stewarts' Monument, Calton Hill'
Inscribed: 'Drawn & Engd by W Banks & Son, Edin'.
c. 1800 |
Item Level |