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3 High Street, Dumbarton

551 62/1/4

Description 3 High Street, Dumbarton

Date 19/1/2004 to 10/2004

Collection Records of FIRAT Archaeological Services, archaeologists, Helensburgh, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Catalogue Number 551 62/1/4

Category All Other

Scope and Content The archive consists of a report on the archaeological watching brief, site notes, photographic index, two copies of architect's plans, a copy of the entry for Discovery and Excavation in Scotland and a list of the contents of the archive; colour prints from two films; and a copy of the report on digital media.

Administrative History An Archaeological Watching Brief of the excavation of foundation trenches for an extension to the old Procurator Fiscal building. No archaeological deposits nor artefacts earlier then the late 29th century were discoverd

Accession Number 2005/71


Collection Hierarchy - Sub-Group Level

Preview Category Catalogue Number Title Date Level
All Other 551 62/1/4/1 Reports, Notebooks, and other documentation 19/1/2004 Sub-Group Level
All Other 551 62/1/4/2 Photographic archive 19/1/2004 Sub-Group Level

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