Papers of David Elder, local historian, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland
551 43
Description Papers of David Elder, local historian, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland
Date 1995 to 2003
Collection Papers of David Elder, local historian, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 43
Category All Other
Scope and Content A collection of approximately 370 colour slides of doocots in East Lothian.
Archive History The collection was created in the course of Mr Elder's research between 1995 and 2002, and was presented by him to RCAHMS between 2000 and 2002 (Acc Nos 2000/28, 2001/46, 2002/123).
System of Arrangement The collection is arranged by site.
Access Conditions Open, but note that access may be subject to provisions outlined in the Data Protection Act and conservation requirements. Please contact the archive to confirm access in advance of a visit.
Administrative History David W Elder, former solicitor and member of a local camera club, is a researcher into the history and architecture of pigeon-keeping in Scotland. In the late 1990s he began a photographic survey of the structures of East Lothian, research which he published in 2010, with Munro Dunn, as 'Doocots of Scotland: East Lothian', one of a thematic series by the Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group.
Accruals No further accruals are expected.
Accession Number 2000/28, 2001/46, 20