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Old Pentland, Burial Ground

Burial Ground (Medieval), Church (13th Century)(Possible), Wall(S) (Medieval), Watch House (18th Century), Unidentified Pottery(S) (Period Unassigned)

Site Name Old Pentland, Burial Ground

Classification Burial Ground (Medieval), Church (13th Century)(Possible), Wall(S) (Medieval), Watch House (18th Century), Unidentified Pottery(S) (Period Unassigned)

Alternative Name(s) Old Pentland Kirk

Canmore ID 51681

Site Number NT26NE 14

NGR NT 26240 66331

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Midlothian
  • Parish Lasswade
  • Former Region Lothian
  • Former District Midlothian
  • Former County Midlothian

Archaeology Notes

NT26NE 14.00 26240 66331

NT26NE 14.01 26229 66333 Vault

(NT 2623 6633) Church (NR) (site of)

OS 1:10000 map (1974)

Arnold states that a raised grassy mound in the churchyard covers the ruins of Pentland parish church, while he considered a smaller mound to the E covered the chancel.

Stripping some turf from the latter, he uncovered two 14th c grave slabs. Aitchison notes that the foundations of the church were uncovered a few years before 1892. The church yard was still in use in 1907. Pentland chapel is noted as a free parsonage in Bagimond; it was erected into a parish church before 1275, and the parish was united with Lasswade in 1647.

T Arnold 1880; A Reid 1907; C Aitchison 1892; H Scott 1915; 1950; I B Cowan 1967.

Architecture Notes


Architect of Gibsone Aisle: Thomas Hamilton c. 1845.


Geophysical Survey (12 September 2009)

NT 26240 66331 During a geophysical survey of an area in the burial ground directly to the E of the Gibsone Mausoleum on 12 September 2009, distinct traces of buried walls were observed. Investigation of the results using targeted trenches (2 x 2 x 1m) revealed extant foundations and the chamfered course level. 14th- to 16th-century green glaze pottery was recovered and there was evidence of wall robbing, possibly in the 18th century on the basis of later finds. No human remains were recovered. In the church, there was no trace of

a floor, but there was extensive rubble and this area may be investigated further during future geophysical survey of the area to the S, where the distinct outline of a possible second structure has been observed.

Archive: Connolly Heritage Consultancy and RCAHMS

Funder: Connolly Heritage Consultancy

David Connolly – Connolly Heritage Consultancy / Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society

Test Pit Survey (18 September 2010 - 19 September 2010)

NT 26240 66331 Continuing the work undertaken at this site

in 2009 (DES 2009, 120–121), two trenches were excavated

on 18–19 September 2010 to investigate the survival and

shape of the apse at Old Pentland Kirk. The trenches showed

that the entire structure, including the floor, had been

comprehensively robbed. Investigation of a structure to the

S revealed a 19th-century path and graves whose stones had

been removed to allow the construction of the path. A further

geophysical survey to the SW, to investigate the possibility of

a circular enclosure around the churchyard, proved negative.

The pottery recovered during the excavation indicated

activity in the 12th–15th centuries, matching the foundation

date for the kirk and a second period of remodelling work.

Archive: Connolly Heritage Consultancy and RCAHMS

Funder: Connolly Heritage Consultancy


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