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Montrose, 32 Castle Street

Hearth(S) (Medieval), Midden(S) (Medieval), Unidentified Pottery (Prehistoric), Unidentified Pottery (13th Century)

Site Name Montrose, 32 Castle Street

Classification Hearth(S) (Medieval), Midden(S) (Medieval), Unidentified Pottery (Prehistoric), Unidentified Pottery (13th Century)

Alternative Name(s) 29 Bridge Street

Canmore ID 36237

Site Number NO75NW 25

NGR NO 7127 5757

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Angus
  • Parish Montrose
  • Former Region Tayside
  • Former District Angus
  • Former County Angus


Excavation (March 1983 - April 1983)

Redevelopment of no. 32 Castle Street, Montrose, allowed seven weeks for archaeological examination in March and April 1983. The front of the site produced two superimposed floor levels containing hearths and late 13th century pottery. A series of pits occupied the centre of the site whilst the rear of the site was covered with a series of midden deposits dating from the 13th to 15th centuries. The medieval deposits lay on wind-blown sand deposits which in turn lay on a fossil plough-soil which produced one sherd of prehistoric pot from its lower level.

The digging of foundations for an extension to no. 29 Bridge Street, showed that the midden deposit partly excavated at 32 Castle Street extended at least another 20m westwards. Amongst several sherds of medieval pottery recovered from the spoil of the foundation trenches

was one piece of Scarborough Ware.

J Sherriff 1983.

Excavation (1992)

In advance of further housebuilding in Castlecary village, a search was made N of Castlecary Road for the NE corner angle of the camp. The E defensive ditch was located, width 1.15m, depth at least 0.6m; but the area had been much disturbed in the 19th century by the embankment of the adjacent Glasgow to Edinburgh railway-line, and more recently by the construction and subsequent demolition of Castlecary Village Hall.

There were no small finds.

Sponsor: Mr K McMillan, Castlecary House Hotel.

L Keppie 1992.

Note (20 April 2001)

NO75NW 25 7127 5757

See also NO75NW 177.

Location cited as NO 7127 5757.

Information from Mr J R Sherriff, 20 April 2001.


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