Arrat, Magdalene's Chapel
Burial Ground (Medieval), Chapel (Medieval), Hospital (Medieval)
Site Name Arrat, Magdalene's Chapel
Classification Burial Ground (Medieval), Chapel (Medieval), Hospital (Medieval)
Alternative Name(s) Maidlin Chapel; Chapel Of Arrat; Chapel Of Calkhame; Chapel Of Mary Magdalene; Hospital Of St Mary Magdalene
Canmore ID 35789
Site Number NO65NW 8
NGR NO 6467 5904
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Angus
- Parish Brechin
- Former Region Tayside
- Former District Angus
- Former County Angus
NO65NW 8 6467 5904.
See also NO65NW 68
(NO 6467 5904) Magdalene's Chapel (NR)
(Site of) Burial Ground (NAT)
OS 6" map, (1970)
The Chapel of Mary Magdalene, 'Magdalene's Chapel' (NSA 1845) or as it is locally known Maidlin Chapel is on record as both the Chapel of Arrat and of Calkhame. Its date of origin is not known but it is described as old and ruinous in the 15th century and was rebuilt between 1429 and 1456.
The foundations of the chapel was barely visible in 1861 in the burial ground which was still in occasional use.
NSA 1845; A Jervise 1861; RCAHMS 1984
Air photographs taken in 1986 have revealed a rectilinear enclosure just to the east of this chapel (see NO65NW 68). It is possible that this enclosure may be connected with the hospital recorded from the 15th century.
Information from RCAHMS (CAA) 14 September 1988.
Scheduled as Arrat, Hospital of St Mary Magdalene.
Information from Historic Scotland, scheduling document dated 14 February 2002.
Note (1984)
Arrat, Magdalene's Chapel and Burial-ground NO 646 590 NO65NW 8
There are no visible remains of this chapel which stood within the burial-ground on the S side of the A697 public road, 800m E of Arrat. It is described as old and ruinous in the 15th century and was rebuilt between 1429 and 1456.
(NSA, xi, Forfar, 133; Jervise 1861, 286-7).
Field Visit (1997 - 2001)
Derek Hall managed an Historic Scotland funded project to record medieval hospital sites in Scotland. Gazetteers were produced for each regional council area between 1997 and 2001 with an overall review in 2001.