Castleton Of Eassie
Castle (12th Century) - (13th Century)(Possible), Moated Site (Medieval), Coin(S) (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Castleton Of Eassie
Classification Castle (12th Century) - (13th Century)(Possible), Moated Site (Medieval), Coin(S) (Period Unassigned)
Alternative Name(s) Castleton Farm; Castleton, Site Of Castle
Canmore ID 32134
Site Number NO34NW 5
NGR NO 3330 4662
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Angus
- Parish Eassie And Nevay
- Former Region Tayside
- Former District Angus
- Former County Angus
NO34NW 5 3330 4662.
See also NO34NW 3619 5809 Castleton House
(NO 3330 4662) Castleton on Site of (NAT) Fort (NR)
OS 6"map, Angus, 2nd ed., (1903)
This is an undoubtedly Medieval (O G S Crawford 1949) rectangular earthwork at Castleton. Its entrance is to the SE, and the two remaining sides are bounded by a deep ditch. On the NE, the ditch is broad, and 12' to 14' deep, with a 3' high internal rampart. It is shallower to the SE. On the SW, the earthwork is effaced by a house and garden, while on the NW, there is a steep scarp down to a stream, but no ditch. Some Edward I coins and a spearhead have been found here. (New Statistical Account (NSA] 1845)
NSA 1845; D Christison 1900; O G S Crawford 1949.
This earthwork is obviously medieval, but the ditch measures no less than 50' wide, and would seem to be too substantial for a homestead moat. Probably the work represents a castle site, like Sir John de Graham's castle (NS68NE 1).
Information from RCAHMS typescript, visited 1956.
The remains of a dry medieval 'castle' moat, generally as described by Christison except that the "rampart" on the NE is obviously the result of landscaping and the counterscarp on the NE is mutilated by a modern footpath.
Visited by OS (W D J) 16 December 1969.
This rectangular enclosure is thought to be a defended medieval site. Test pits in a 20m by 30m area of the enclosure adjacent to the SW side of the modern house failed to locate any archaeological features although the pre-19th century ground surface had survived garden landscaping. Coring of the ditch on the SE side found c0.1m of sediment over sandstone bedrock.
Sponsor: HBM.
S Carter 1990e.
Field Visit (6 August 1956)
This site was included within the RCAHMS Marginal Land Survey (1950-1962), an unpublished rescue project. Site descriptions, organised by county, are available to view online - see the searchable PDF in 'Digital Items'. These vary from short notes, to lengthy and full descriptions. Contemporary plane-table surveys and inked drawings, where available, can be viewed online in most cases - see 'Digital Images'. The original typecripts, notebooks and drawings can also be viewed in the RCAHMS search room.
Information from RCAHMS (GFG) 19 July 2013.
Note (1984)
Castleton of Eassie NO 333 466 NO34NW 5
The impressive earthworks within which the farmhouse of Castleton of Eassie stands are probably the remains of a medieval castle. A rectangular mound, its summit measuring 88m from NE to SW by 67m transversely, is flanked on the NE and SE by a ditch up to
15m broad and 5m deep with an internal bank on the NE, whilst on the NW and SW the sides of the mound have been scarped and on the NW additional protection is afforded by a burn; a causeway across the ditch on the SE may be original.
RCAHMS 1984.
(Stat Acct, xvi, 1795), 218-19; NSA, xi, Forfar, 476; Christison 1900, 48, 53).
Watching Brief (18 February 2019 - 25 February 2019)
NO 33306 46625 A watching brief was maintained, 18-25 February 2019, on the installation of an underground electrical cable within Castleton of Eassie (SM3554; NO34NW 5), thought to be the remains of a 12th- to 13th-century castle motte. No finds or features of archaeological interest were exposed.
Archive: NRHE (intended)
Funder: Private individual
C Fyles - Alder Archaeology Ltd
(Source: DES Vol 20)