Callander, Ancaster Square, St Kessog's Church
Church (19th Century), Visitor Centre (20th Century), War Memorial(S) (20th Century)
Site Name Callander, Ancaster Square, St Kessog's Church
Classification Church (19th Century), Visitor Centre (20th Century), War Memorial(S) (20th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Callander Kirk; Rob Roy Tourist Information Centre; St Kessaig; War Memorial Plaque And Roll Of Honour
Canmore ID 24359
Site Number NN60NW 37
NGR NN 62872 07947
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Stirling
- Parish Callander
- Former Region Central
- Former District Stirling
- Former County Perthshire
NN60NW 37.00 62872 07947
Site of Church: " Previous to 1773, the date of erection of the present parish church, this was used as such and likewise as a school during the week but subsequently it was allowed to go to ruin and is now totally removed. It is supposed to have been originally a Roman Catholic Chapel, but as tradition is completely slient respecting it, no authentic information can be gained concerning it.
Name Book (Perthshire), 1865
A commodious building of an oblong form having a porch in front surmounted by a steeple. It was built in 1773 and contains 800 sittings. Number of communicants about 500. Property of the congregation.
Name Book (Perthshire), 1865
NN60NW 37.00 62872 07947
NN60NW 37.01 62890 07987 Hall
ARCHITECT: Robert Baldie, 1883
Callander Parish Church appears to have occupied this site since about 1773. This was when the Old Parish Church on Bridge Street was superceded by a new church 'not far distant' (see Archaeology Notes for Old Parish Church). The buildings on Ancaster Square were constructed from around this time, and a church is shown on this site on the 1st edition O.S. maps (1868). Robert Baldie's church replaced this structure in 1883.
The following references are regarding the pre-Baldie church.
Callander. Building the new Church of Callander. Receipt for payment of the Duke of Montrose's propoertion of ?210.
Noted also in Cashier's accounts.
1772 GD 220/6/1486/4
GD 220/6/846/23
Callander. Building of a New Church.
Receipt for Lady Leny's proportion of the expense.
1773 GD 161/Box24/Bundle1
Purchase of a bell for the Parish Church.
Receipt for proportion of the cost due by the Duke of Montrose.
1785 GD 220/6/858/50
Square-plan church designed in the Early Gothic Pointed Style. The church occupies the site of the former 1773 local parish church. Set prominently to the N side of Ancaster Square facing S towards the Main Street. A confidently designed and well executed church with an impressive central tall steepled entrance. (Historic Scotland)
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