Pitfour House Estate, The Stables
Stable(S) (19th Century)
Site Name Pitfour House Estate, The Stables
Classification Stable(S) (19th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Pitfour House Policies
Canmore ID 116848
Site Number NJ94NE 67.05
NGR NJ 97981 49218
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/site/116848
- Council Aberdeenshire
- Parish Old Deer
- Former Region Grampian
- Former District Banff And Buchan
- Former County Aberdeenshire
NJ94NE 67.05 97981 49218
Straddling the skyline like a palace, the U-plan stables of 1820, with their pedimented entrance and wooden Doric cupola, were also designed by John Smith.
C McKean 1990.
2 storey neo-classical stables, built on a U-plan in pinned rubble (formerly harled) with granite dressings. The parapet and quoins are in grey granite. The original slate roof has now been replaced by a hipped roof in corrugated asbestos. An integral 2 storey house adjoins. The symmetrical front elevation features a pedimented centrepiece with a segmental arch surmounted by 3 recessed panel in antis. A timber clocktower with columned rotunda sits above, topped by a domed copper roof and finial. 3 bay wings flank to either side, superseded by single bay pavilions which advance by 3 bays to form the U-plan.
Pitfour House itself was demolished in 1927-1930. (Historic Scotland)
The Blenheim of Buchan. One of the great estates of north-east Scotland, first built by the eccentric Ferguson family in the early 18th century. The house, extended probably by John Smith circa 1809, and subsequently, was demolished in 1927. Much survives of the estate, mainly because the Ferguson's spared little expense. (C.McKean)
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