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Scapa Flow 2017 survey by the Sea War Museum Jutland

Date 2016 - January 2017

Event ID 1171687

Category Recording

Type Multi Beam Sonar Scan


Diver inspection in 2016 and multibeam sonar survey in January 2017 recorded two sites likely associated with the only Konig-class battleship salvaged by Metal Industries, SMS Grosser Kurfurst.

Site A lies to the north west of site B. It is a square-shaped feature with a curved northerly side. Diver inspection and archival research of ships plans indicated that this structure is the remains of a charthouse, with a curved northerly end where the deck extends forward around the armoured conning tower. The entire deck surrounding the tower is present on the seabed. The tower itself was retained within the ship and crushed inside once it had been transferred to Lyness.

Site B to the south east, comprises the remains of samson posts, derricks, and a section of mainmast. The types of samson posts present indicate that the remains are from either Grosser Kurfurst or Derfflinger. The spatial relationship between sites A and B, indicates that the sites are related and both from Grosser Kurfurst.

I.McCartney 2019.

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