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Field Visit

Date 21 December 2017

Event ID 1042546

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


The Dundee Pasteurised Milk (DPM) dairy, which stood at 62 Mains Road, Dundee, was demolished in 1974 leaving a gap site that is now occupied by a grass playing field. This field is partly enclosed by brick walls along its north side and east end, and at the west end there is a landscaped seating area. The brick walls have been used by graffiti artists since at least 2008 and the site hosts an annual graffiti ‘jam’, during which graffiti writers gather to repaint the walls with contemporary ‘masterpieces’. The graffiti recorded on the date of visit is largely the result of the ‘jam’ that took place in November 2017. Most of the art appears on the walls but there are further examples, including ‘tags’, ‘throw ups’ and other ‘pieces’, on other surfaces around the park.

Visited by HES Survey and Recording (AGCH, ZB) 21 December 2017.

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