An uncrenellated, strong, fortified dwelling, of between two and four storeys, built mainly from the mid 14th to the 17th century.
Monument Thesaurus (rcahms)
Monument Thesaurus (rcahms)
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> Defence
> Domestic
>> Dwelling
>> House
>>> Pele House
>>> House
>>> Fortified House
>>>> Fortified House
>>>> Pele House
>>>>> Pele House

Related Terms
Term | Note |
BARMKIN | A medieval defensive enclosure, usually attached to a tower house. |
BASTLE | A fortified house of two or three storeys, the lower floor being used for storage and/or to house animals and the upper floors for domestic use. |
TOWER HOUSE | A permanently occupied, fortified residence, built from the mid-14th to the 17th century. Tower-houses are rectilinear in plan, often with one or more additional wings, and provide accommodation on several storeys. |