Greenock, Drumfrochar Road, Fleming Reid & Co Limited's Worsted Mills
Watermill (19th Century), Wool Manufacturing Site (19th Century), Worsted Mill (19th Century)
NS27NE 20
Greenock, Fleming Reid And Co Limited's Worsted Mills, Knitting Factory
Factory (19th Century), Wool Manufacturing Site (19th Century), Worsted Mill (19th Century)
NS27NE 20.01
Greenock, Fleming Reid And Co Limited's Worsted Mills, Hosiery Warehouse
Warehouse (20th Century), Wool Manufacturing Site (20th Century), Worsted Mill (20th Century)
NS27NE 20.02
Greenock, Fleming Reid And Co Limited's Worsted Mills, Offices
Office (19th Century), Wool Manufacturing Site (19th Century), Worsted Mill (19th Century)
NS27NE 20.03
Greenock, Fleming Reid And Co Limited's Worsted Mills, Carding And Combing Block
Carding Mill (19th Century) - (20th Century), Wool Manufacturing Site (Period Unassigned), Worsted Mill (Period Unassigned)
NS27NE 20.04
Greenock, Fleming Reid And Co Limited's Worsted Mills, Wool Warehouse
Warehouse (19th Century), Wool Manufacturing Site (19th Century), Worsted Mill (19th Century)
NS27NE 20.05
Greenock, Fleming Reid And Co Limited's Worsted Mills, Boiler House
Boiler House (Period Unknown), Wool Manufacturing Site (19th Century), Worsted Mill (19th Century)
NS27NE 20.06
Greenock, Fleming Reid And Co Limited's Worsted Mills, Water Turbine House
Turbine House (20th Century), Wool Manufacturing Site (Period Unassigned), Worsted Mill (Period Unassigned)
NS27NE 20.07
Greenock, Fleming Reid And Co Limited's Worsted Mills, Spinning Mill
Wool Manufacturing Site (19th Century), Worsted Mill (19th Century)
NS27NE 20.08
Romano Bridge
Commercial Premises (Modern), Wool Manufacturing Site (Period Unassigned)
NT14NE 127