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Findspot (Period Unknown), Brooch (Roman), Intaglio (Roman), Samian (Pottery)(Roman), Spearhead (Iron)(Roman)
Site Name Newstead
Classification Findspot (Period Unknown), Brooch (Roman), Intaglio (Roman), Samian (Pottery)(Roman), Spearhead (Iron)(Roman)
Canmore ID 157619
Site Number NT53SE 20.16
NGR NT 571 343
NGR Description Centred on NT 571 343
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Scottish Borders, The
- Parish Melrose
- Former Region Borders
- Former District Ettrick And Lauderdale
- Former County Roxburghshire
NT53SE 20.16 centred on NT 571 343
NT 571 343 (centre) The Roman intaglio of a satyr and dog (Henig no. 171), formerly in private possession, has been reported for Treasure Trove (TT 85/98) and allocated to NMS (FRA 4421).
An enamelled dragonesque brooch (NT 571 343; by S gate), iron spearhead (NT 569 342; S annexe) and samian base (NT 571 345; fort area) were found casually on the site. The samian bears a graffito 'PRIM...'. The finds were claimed as Treasure Trove (TT 149/98, 19/99) and allocated to NMS.
F Hunter 1999