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Ditch(S) (Roman), Unidentified Pottery (Roman)

Site Name Newstead

Classification Ditch(S) (Roman), Unidentified Pottery (Roman)

Canmore ID 86080

Site Number NT53SE 20.13

NGR NT 5650 3435

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Scottish Borders, The
  • Parish Melrose
  • Former Region Borders
  • Former District Ettrick And Lauderdale
  • Former County Roxburghshire

Archaeology Notes

NT53SE 20.13 5650 3435.

An archaeological evaluative excavation and subsequent watching brief were undertaken prior to the building of new accommodation for Borders Health Board at Newstead (on the western side of the Newstead Roman fort complex). Excavation of four trenches with a total area of c150 sq m revealed the remains of two modern stone-filled field drains, four earlier linear ditches, a possible structure in the form of a right-angled slot, and an isolated post hole. In one trench two of the linear ditches intersected at a near right angle, indicating two phases of activity on the site. Significant finds included a small abraded sherd of possible Roman date and a pot base of probable Roman date from the fill of the later intersecting ditch; fragments of probable Roman brick were recovered from the fills of both these intersecting ditches. No additional features were recorded during the watching brief.

Full report deposited with NMRS.

Sponsor: Borders Health Board.

CFA 1994a.


Sbc Note

Newstead, Melrose


Ditches, post hole, Roman artefacts

NT 5650 3435. An archaeological evaluative excavation and subsequent watching brief were undertaken prior to the building of new accommodation for Borders Health Board at Newstead (on the western side of the Newstead Roman Fort complex). Excavation of four trenches with a total area of c150 sq. m revealed the remains of two modern stone-filled field drains, four earlier linear ditches, a possible structure in the form of a right-angled slot, and an isolated post hole. In one trench two of the linear ditches intersected at a near right angle, indicating two phases of activity on the site. Significant finds included a small abraded sherd of possible Roman date and a pot base of probable Roman date from the fill of the later intersecting ditch; fragments of probable Roman brick were recovered from the fills of both these intersecting ditches. No additional features were recorded during the watching brief.

Full report deposited with NMRS.

CFA, 1994, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1994, CSA

Excavation revealed the remains of 2 modern field drains, 4 linear ditches representing at least two phases of activity, a possible structure in the form of a right-angled slot, and a post-hole. Significant finds were: one small a braided sherd of possible Roman date from the fill of the later ditch. Two pieces of probable Roman brick were recovered from the fills of these ditches. These features appear to represent activity between the western annexe of the Newstead Roman Fort complex and the River Tweed, and may be of similar date.

Information from Scottish Borders Council


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