Township (Period Unassigned)
Site Name A'chruanalach
Classification Township (Period Unassigned)
Canmore ID 142904
Site Number NG87SW 24.01
NGR NG 8192 7298
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/site/142904
- Council Highland
- Parish Gairloch
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Ross And Cromarty
- Former County Ross And Cromarty
NG87SW 24.01 8192 7298
Elements of a possible township, on a predominantly SE-facing slope overlooking the River Kerry, were recorded during a pre-afforestation survey by J Wordsworth and previously by Roy Wentworth.
Four buildings and two small pens or enclosures have been noted within an extensive series of field-dykes. J Wordsworth observed buildings at NG 8192 7298 and NG 8185 7294 within the head-dyke. The E building (MS961/23, no.1), which is round-ended, measures 12m from NW to SE by 8m with a few edge-set rounded stones possibly marking the position of walls. It occupies a prominent knoll which is slightly dish-shaped in the centre. The W building (MS961/23, no.2) is a turf-walled structure, measuring 12m from E to W by 4m, reduced to stone footings. A third building (MS961/23, no.10) at NG 8189 7324, noted by R Wentworth, could not be located in an area of dense bracken. A fourth building (MS961/23, no.9), at NG 8176 7328, is situated in an enclosure, measuring 50m by 25m, attached to the N side of the head-dyke. The building, which is round-ended, measures 5m from WNW to ESE by 2.5m within 0.6m thick and 0.2m high stone footings.
The substantial turf and stone head-dyke extends SW from NG 8196 7340 to the small lochan, at NG 8134 7281 where it turns S towards the road. Within the head-dyke, there are small enclosures, or pens, at NG 8181 7299, NG 8193 7319 and NG 8178 7322. Traces of rig survive at NG 8195 7313 and NG 8178 7322, the latter adjacent to one of the pens.
Most of the features are not depicted on either the 1st edition or the 2nd edition of the OS 6-inch maps (Ross-shire, 1867, sheets lvi and lvii; Ross and Cromartyshire 1906, sheet lvi)
J Wordsworth (Wordsworth Archaeological Services) 5 October 1997; R Wentworth 1989; NMRS MS 961/23, nos. 1-12, 36