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Enclosure (Period Unassigned), Hut Circle(S) (Prehistoric)
Site Name Achins
Classification Enclosure (Period Unassigned), Hut Circle(S) (Prehistoric)
Canmore ID 7329
Site Number NC96SE 10
NGR NC 9615 6341
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Reay
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Caithness
- Former County Caithness
NC96SE 10 9615 6341.
In the area centred NC 961 634 there are the remains of two hut circles and an enclosure. The two hut circles have been greatly mutilated by recent forestry ploughing and the eastern one is now only vaguely visible as a slight bank, while the hut circle to the W, bisected by the forestry fence, is only visible on the W side of the fence as an 0.3m high heather-covered bank. No entrances are visible in either of the hut circles. Some 40m SW of these huts, on the W side of the forestry road, there is a U-shaped, 0.3m high, heather-covered earth and stone bank, probably the remains of an enclosure associated with the hut circles. The enclosure, formerly at NC 9620 6345, has now been completely ploughed out (Visited by OS (J L D) 24 May 1960).
Surveyed at 1:2500.
Visited by OS (R D) 26 November 1964; Visible on RAF air photographs 106G/Scot/UK 75: 4360-1 (flown 1946)
(NC 9615 6341 & NC 9616 (341) Hut Circles (NR), (NC 9620 6345) Enclosure (NR)
OS 6"map (1963)
The hut, at NC 9615 6341, bisected by the fence, is recoverable, but only the W sector survives, measuring 12.0m along the chord by 3.5m transversely. The enclosure and the other hut circle have been completely ploughed out and the area planted with conifers. The U-shaped feature to the W of the surviving hut circle is a stretch of old walling; its period is uncertain, but probably early modern.
Revised at 1:10560.
Visited by OS (J M) 17 July 1981.