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Field System (Period Unassigned), Hut Circle(S) (Prehistoric)
Site Name Forsinard
Classification Field System (Period Unassigned), Hut Circle(S) (Prehistoric)
Canmore ID 7210
Site Number NC94NW 1
NGR NC 902 454
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Farr
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Sutherland
- Former County Sutherland
NC94NW 1 902 454.
(A: NC 9025 4553) Enclosure (NR) (B: NC 9026 4541) Enclosure (NR)
OS 6"map, (1961)
To the north of a group of mounds (hut circles and field system NC94SW 1), are the remains of walls forming "field-like enclosures". One of these is quadrangular, occupying 1/2 acre, with a hut circle (B) in the north west corner. To the north of these are the remains of several stone built hut circles formed of 3 or more conjoined circular or oval enclosures 8-14 feet in diameter within walls 5 feet thick. The entrances appear to be from the west. Two of these dwellings (A and C) are adjacent with old walls running along the hillside.
RCAHMS 1911, visited 1909.
Centred at NC 902 454 on a west facing slope is a settlement comprising the hut circle (B) and two multicompartmental structures (A and C) as described and planned by the RCAHMS, all within an associated field system. Structure A comprises a heather and bracken covered stone wall 0.6m maximum height. The central compartment 5.0m north-south by 3.5m east-west internally is abutted on the east side by two annexes; features to the south and south west of the main compartment are ill defined. B is a simple hut circle 11.0m north east-south west by 9.5m within a turf and heather covered wall spread to 2.0m wide surviving to 0.5m maximum height. The entrance is in the south west arc. Bare stones at the entrance and in the east arc are probably a result of later clearance. Of structure C only the east compartment is exposed, measuring 4.0m in diameter with a partially heather covered wall 1.5m wide and 0.6m high. The outline of the other chambers is barely discernible in the heather and peat accumulation. (The orientation of the RCAHMS plans of A and C is incorrect; their northings arrow points west.)
The field system of 5 hectares extent comprises rubble field walls occasional lynchets and few clearance heaps; one or two irregular plots as described by the RCAHMS are visible. The rectangular yards shown on OS 6" are probably clearance heaps and not the footings of buildings. Surveyed at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (W D J) 30 April 1960 and (N K B) 15 July 1977.