Borgie Bridge
Broch (Iron Age)(Possible), Ringwork (Medieval)(Possible)
Site Name Borgie Bridge
Classification Broch (Iron Age)(Possible), Ringwork (Medieval)(Possible)
Canmore ID 5739
Site Number NC65NE 1
NGR NC 6711 5872
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Farr
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Sutherland
- Former County Sutherland
NC65NE 1 6711 5872.
(NC 6711 5872) Dun (NR)
OS 6" map (1962)
Previously classified as a possible broch (RCAHMS 1911, visited 1909; A Graham 1947) or a dun (OS {JLD}, visited 26 April 1960), this well-preserved earthwork resembles a defended homestead. It is situated on the edge of a natural escarpment overlooking the Borgie valley and consists of a semi-circular ditch averaging 8 m wide by 2 m deep from which the material has gone to form a flat-topped mound about 18 m in diameeter and 2 m high. The ditch stops short of the escarpment at both ends where there are slight counterscarps. A straight-edged but splayed causeway across the ditch in the SE measures 5.4 m wide on the outside and 3.7 m wide on the inner. Eccentrically placed on the top of the mound is a stone-walled structure so reduced that its shape cannot be determined with any accuracy. In the S, where it is best preserved, several inner and outer facing-stones give a wall thickness of 1.6 m. The classification of the site offers problems. The raised central mound constructed from material from the ditch is reminiscent of a motte, but the presence of the causeway and the eccentric stone structure argue against this. It would appear to be a defended homestead of uncertain date (cf. NC75NW 14).
Surveyed at 1:2500.
Visited by OS (AA) 21 July 1971
A defended earthwork of enigmatic type, as described and illustrated by the previous field investigators. This form of ditch is found occasionally in association with brochs (see NC75SW 9 and NC91NE 27), but apart from the indefinite and insubstantial remains of a 'stone- walled structure', the summit area is clear of stone as is the ditch.
It would appear to be a ringwork of possibly medieval, or earlier, date.
Revised at 1:10,000 scale.
Visited by OS (JB) 4 September 1978
Scheduled as Borgie Bridge, homestead.
Information from Historic Scotland, scheduling document dated 20 November 1992.
Publication Account (2007)
NC/6653 5871
This probable broch or defended homestead is in Tongue, Sutherland. In 1909 a large gravel mound, some 12.2m (40ft) high on the side towards the river, was found to have the remains of a circular building on its summit. Its diameter was about 15.86m (52ft). Around its base was a deep ditch 7.3m (24 f t) across with a causeway across it on the south-east side [2]. In 1971 it was classified as a defended homestead by the Archaeology Division of the O.S. [1].
Sources: 1. NMRS site no. NC 65 NE 1: 2. RCAHMS 1911a, 61-2, no. 185: 3. Graham 1949, 96: 4. Close-Brooks 1995, 32.
E W MacKie 2007