Nether Glenny 11
Cup Marked Rock (Neolithic) - (Bronze Age)
Site Name Nether Glenny 11
Classification Cup Marked Rock (Neolithic) - (Bronze Age)
Canmore ID 87397
Site Number NN50SE 69
NGR NN 56430 02289
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Stirling
- Parish Port Of Menteith
- Former Region Central
- Former District Stirling
- Former County Perthshire
Note (13 November 2018)
Date Fieldwork Started: 13/11/2018
Compiled by: ScRAP
Location Notes: The panel is a smooth elongated edge of exposed outcropping rock situated in rough grazing on the S facing hill slope looking out over fields with numerous carved rocks, towards Lake Menteith. It is situated about 50m upslope of the old stone field dyke and modern wire fence. Further wall lines are visible in the fields to the S, and the Bronze Age cairn is on the skyline about 400m to the SSW. A further probable cupmarked rock (Nether Glenny 12, ScRAP ID 1779) is roughly 60m downslope to the SW.
Panel Notes: The elongated surface of the panel slopes gently to the S for about 0.6m, then drops steeply to the ground. There are several fissures cutting across its width, and one wide turf-filled fissure bisects the panel. There are 7 cup-shaped depressions on the W half of the panel, of which 6 are possibly natural features, and 2 shallow cup-shaped depressions on the E half of the panel which may be natural.