Prints and Drawings
DC 32704
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Publication drawing Illus.No.100 Leather
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/27
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Post-excavation drawings: site grid.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/1
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: S facing section of vennel F016; N-S and E-W profile of cut F136; elevation of stone block W of Set 12 wattle; wattle F1066 in section showing pot sherd; E facing section of linear ditch F1043; W facing section of F1043.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/2
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; general site plan; cobbled surface F005; possible floor surface F009; layer/deposit F010; layer/deposit F011; pit deposit F012; clay deposit F013; layer/deposit F014; layer/deposit F015; layer over cobble surface F017; linear ditch F022; walls in SW corner F024, F031 and F032; pit F026; pit F027; cut F029; clay deposit F030; silt deposit F033; layer/deposit F035; cut F040 for walls in SW corner; cut F041; wall F042 at S end; construction cut F044; cut F046 for wall F031; layer/deposit F048; burnt layer F049.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/3
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; silt deposit F050; layer/deposit F051; cobbled surface F052; layer/deposit F053; demolition slumping F054; rubble dump F055; timber stakes F36, F37, F39, F43, F56, F57 (Set 1); cut F058 for Set 1 stakes; layer/deposit F059; layer/deposit F060; layer/deposit F061; pit F064; brickearth layer F065; post-hole fill F066; wall F067 in middle of site at N end; white flecked layer F068; post-hole F069; construction cut F070 for wall F067; layer/deposit F071; midden F072 S of site; layer/deposit F073; midden layer F075; clay layer F077; concrete F078 in NE corner; cut F080; charcoal layer F081; clay fill F083; small pile of stones F084; cut F085; layer/deposit F086; layer/deposit F087; sand F089 above well F094; cut F091; layer of slumping F092; clay deposit F093; well F094; midden layer F096; layer/deposit F097; layer/deposit F098; brickearth layer F099.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/4
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; layer/deposit F101; midden layer F102; post-hole F104; sand layer F115 at W edge of SW area; cobbled surface F116; multi context plan of cuts for Set 1 stakes; cut F130; layer/deposit F131; orange layer F133; layer/deposit F134; white cess and charcoal layer F135; large pit F136; stone F137; red-brown fill F138; layer F141; small pile of stones F142; post packing stone F146; cut F147 for packing stones; brickearth layer F148; layer/deposit F149.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/5
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; layer/deposit F150; layer/deposit F151; layer/deposit F152; layer/deposit F153; cut F155; layer F156; silt/clay loam F157; baked brickearth layer F158; layer F159 covering SW area; brickearth/charcoal layer F160; layer F161; sand deposit F162; cut F164; slumping F168; pebble surface F169; cut F170 for packing stones F166; deposit F172; post pit F173; packing stones F174; post-hole F175; layer/deposit F176; post-hole F178; stake hole F181; layer F182; stake hole F184; layer F185; fill F188; post-hole F189; layer/deposit F190.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/6
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; yellow deposit F209; cobbled surface F210; stake hole F212; orange deposit F219; clay loam F220; cut/hearth? F221; post-hole F224; layer F225 in SW area; pit F227; layer F228; slumping F229; triangular mixed deposit F230 S of well; midden layer F231; layer/deposit F232; gravel layer F233; disturbed layer F234; charcoal layer F235; black deposit F236; post packing and fill F237/238; layer/deposit F240; stake holes F242/244; black deposit F245; rubbish pit F246; cut F247; post pit F248; orange deposit F249.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/7
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; cut F252; yellow sand F253; clay loam F254; stake holes F257, F271 and F273 (Set 3); layer/deposit F258; yellow/orange deposit F259; stake holes F261, F263, F265 and F257; cut F269; burnt deposit F270; stake holes F276/278; layer F279; pit F280; post F281; post-hole F282; layer/deposit F283; pit F285 in NE corner; ash/charcoal layer F286; brown layer F287 in SW area; cut F289 in mixed layer F297; pit F291; stake holes F295; gravel layer F296.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/8
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; stake hole F300; mixed brickearth F301; surface F304 covering collapsed wattle; linear cut F306; stake holes F308, F310, F312, F428 and F432; post-hole F314; burnt deposit F315; charcoal layer F316; layer F317; charcoal layer F318; cut F319; dump layer F320; charcoal layer F321; stake hole F323; mixed layer F324; cut F325; burnt deposit F327; cut F328; charcoal/brickearth layer F329; layer F330; hearth F332; hearth F334; gravel layer F335; stake holes F338, F342 and F400; brickearth/burning F339; ash layer F340; brown mottled layer F343; stake holes F348, F346, F351 and F353; charcoal layer F349.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/9
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; mixed burnt layer F354; wattle F355-359; humic deposit F360; pit F362; cinder deposit F363; clay layer F364; burnt layer F365; burnt daub/sand surface F366; reddish/brown deposit F369; brown layer F372; mottle layer F373; brown deposit F374; stones F375; layer/deposit F376; compact layer F377; pit F379; ash/daub deposit F380; cut F381; stake holes F383, F348, F386, F388, F402 and F412; brown layer F384; timber post F390; layer/deposit F392; stakes F394/396; dark grey deposit F397 in SW area; compact reddish/black layer F398.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/10
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; post-hole F404; grey clay deposit F408; cut F410; layer F413; compact layer F414; layer/deposit F415; sand deposit F416; pit F418; occupation layer F419; cut F421; brickearth layer F422; stones F423; cess/charcoal deposit F424; orange/brown deposit F425; layer/deposit F426; layer/deposit F429; coal layer F430; pit F434; humic deposit F435; timber stake F436; grey deposit F437; layer/deposit F438; dark deposit F440; brown/orange layer F441; cut F443; layer/deposit F444; layer/deposit F445; burnt deposit F446; layer/deposit F447; black layer F448; layer/deposit F449.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/11
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; black layer F450; layer/deposit F451; layer/deposit F452; brickearth layer F453; layer of pebbles F454; layer/deposit F455; deposit F456; layer/deposit F457; black layer F458; charcoal layer F459; brown silt F460; cut F462; brown sand deposit F463; cess layer F464; organic deposit F465; cut F467; layer/deposit F468; brown layer F469; layer F470; layer/deposit F471; sand/gravel layer F472; dark layer F473; deposit F474 W end of trench; stake hole F479; cut F480; mixed charcoal/clay fill F482; burnt deposit F483; charcoal/hearth fill F484; charcoal F485; clay base F486 for hearth; orange deposit F487; pit F489; ash layer F490; cut F492; occupation layer F493; cut F495; black layer F497; layer/deposit F498; layer/deposit F499.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/12
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; cut F500; stakes F502/503; cut F506; layer/deposit F507; post-hole F509;burnt occupation deposit F514; layer F516 in N area; cut F519; clay surface F521; charcoal layer F522; burnt orange fill F524; cut F527; layer/deposit F528; timber stakes F529, F541 and post-hole F534; timber stakes F531/545; pit F536; layer/deposit F537; dark brown deposit F538; layer/deposit F539; layer/deposit F540; pit F543; layer/deposit F544; layer/deposit F547; charcoal layer F548; black ash deposit F549.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/13
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; cut F551; cuts F553/555; burnt clay layer F556; brown deposit F557; brown deposit F560; burnt clay surface F562; layer/deposit F563; yellow/brown sand F564; stake hole F566; clay layer F568; cut F569; post pit F571; yellow deposit F573; layer/deposit F574; red/brown layer F575; grey/brown layer F576; occupation layer F577; timber stake F578; brown deposit F580; occupation layer F581; deposit/layer F582; occupation layer F583; occupation layer F584; sand/clay layer F585; layer/deposit F586; floor/hearth? surface F587; cut F588; timber base plate F589; pit/ditch F591; burnt deposit F592; layer/deposit F593; charcoal layer F594; occupation brickearth F595; pit F597; stake holes and wattle F598.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/14
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; pit F600; red/grey layer F601; brickearth/hearth F602; stake holes and wattle F604/606; sand surface F617; clay layer F618; sand layer F621; dark brown layer F622; occupation layer F623; occupation layer F624; brown layer F625; ash layer F626; peat deposit F627; charcoal occupation layer F628; wattle F629 and Set 6 stake holes F608, F610, F612, F614, F616 and F620; sand layer F630; occupation deposit F631; occupation deposit F632; sand/clay layer F633; ash/hearth F634; mortar spread F635; Set 7 stakeholes F636, F637 and F639; charcoal F640; brown layer F641; stake and timbers F642-644, F726-731; deposit F646; stakehole F648.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/15
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; stake holes F650, F652, F690 and F718; clay dump F655; occupation layer F656; occupation layer F657; pebble layer F658; cut F688; stake hole F692; pit F694; occupation layer F697; multi-context plan of stakeholes F698/702-708.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/16
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; Set 12 stake holes F700, F797, F795, F722, F828 and F911; layer F719; burnt clay F720; layer/deposit F721; hearth F724; Set 8 timber F726/738; clay layer F732; burnt layer F733; layer/deposit F734; ditch F736; metalled layer F737; occupation surface F739; grey/black layer F741; mottled layer F742; yellow clay deposit F743.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/17
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; layer/deposit F752; layer F753; baked deposit F754; layer/deposit F755; occupation deposit F757; clay layer F758; stake holes F760, F773, F851, F788, and F782; timber slot F762; hearth F763; layer F764; occupation deposit F765; wattle and stake holes F767; trample/deposit F768; deposit F769; clay deposit F770/771; burnt dump material F774; cut F775; floor surface F776; hearth F777; charcoal F778; orange layer F779; brown layer F780; mottled layer F783; pit F785; brown/red layer F786; sand deposit F789; cobbled layer F790; hearths F792; clay layer F799.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/18
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; post pit F802; sand layer F803; occupation layer F804; burnt brickearth/hearth F805; stake holes F807/809; brown layer F810; cobbled sets F811; paving stones F812; hearth F813; occupation layer F814; post-hole F816; wattle F817; layer F818; timber stake F819; daub F821; sand layer F822; cobble surface F823; cut F824; layer/deposit F825; layer/deposit F826; brown layer F827; stake hole and wattle F830; mottled surface F833; layer/deposit F834; charcoal deposit F835; brown deposit F840; wattle F841; post trench and post-hole F843/836; cut F845; cut F849.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/19
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; hard clay deposit F852; floor surface F861; charcoal deposit F862; cut F864; ash layer F869; hearth F870; stake holes F872/874; frontage layer F875; cobbles F876; pit F878; Set 10 stake holes F879; sand layer F880; stone paving F881; collapsed wattle and daub F882; cut F884; layer of stones F885; stake holes F886, F889, F900, F902 and F915; cut F890; stake holes F892, F894 and F896; midden deposit F897.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/20
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; stones F903 and timber F908; cut F905; sand layer F906; layer F907; layer F910; brown layer F916; yellow/brown spread F917; brown deposit F918; Set 10 stake holes F913, F920 and F925; layer/deposit F921; timber post F922; clay layer F923; occupation layer F926; grey sand layer F928; stake holes F929; cut F931; peat layer F932; layer/deposit F933; brown layer F934; occupation layer F935; brown deposit F936; linear pit F939; red/brown occupation layer F940; Set 11 stake holes F942; black deposit F943; cut F946; stake hole F948; clay layer F949.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/21
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; stakes F950, F957, F952, F1111 and F954; floor surface F956; dark grey layer F959; burnt deposit F960; cut F961; sand layer F962; stakes F963, F1023, F1021, F1019 and F1017; stake hole F966; clay layer F967; occupation layer F984; occupation layer F985; occupation layer F986; occupation layer F987; occupation layer F988; occupation layer F989; occupation layer F990; occupation layer F991; wattle and daub F994; sand layer F997; mottled spread F998; stake holes F999/1000.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 111/22
Records of SUAT Ltd, archaeologists, Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Excavation drawings: Site Plans; timber/organic layer F1001; layer/deposit F1002; layer/deposit F1003;layer/deposit F1004; floor surface F1007; irregular pit F1010; midden layer F1011; pit F1012; grey deposit F1013; clay deposit F1014; floor surface F1015; midden layer F1016; layer/deposit F1025; floor surface F1026; mottled clay layer F1027; charcoal layer F1028; layer F1029; packing stones F1031; paving stones F1032; timber plank (find no 1852) in F1033; brown layer F1033; clay/sand layer F1034; burnt layer F1035; white clay spread F1036; wattle in SW corner F1037; black/burnt deposit F1040; cess layer F1041; linear ditch F1043; mixed deposit F1048; dark brown layer F1049.
Batch Level