Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/2/27 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 7 half section of pit 7801/2; 7799/80; post-ex of 7802; post-ex of flue 7719; post-ex of 7799; half section of pit 7807/8; 7804/3; 7805/6; post-ex of 7808; half section of pit 7810/9; 7812/1; 7813/4; 7815/6; post-ex of 7803; 7806; 7814; 7816; half section of 7819/20; 7817/8; 7821/2 and 7823-5; view of palisade trench 7038 from S; general shots of areas 8-6. |
16/9/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/2/28 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 7 palisade trench 7038 and stakeholes from E; 7038 from W; stoney fill 7735 intruding 7038; post-ex of pits 7822 and 7823-5; half section of pit 7826/7; 7828/9; 7830/1; 7832/3; half section of feature 7735/6; half section of pits 7834/5 and 7836/7; post-ex of 7736; 7826; 7829; 7831; 7833; 7837 and 7835; half section of pit 7838/9; post-ex of 7839; half section of pit 7840/1; 7842/3; 7844/5; 7846/7; post-ex of 7841; 7843; 7845; 7847; Area 12 half section of pit 2102/3. |
17/9/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/2/29 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 12 half section of pit 2111/10; 2100/1; 2105/4; 2107/6; 2109/8; 2112/3; 2115/4; post-ex of 2102; 2100; 2105; 2110; Area 7 post-ex view of pits; Area 8 post-ex of building and features; Area 7 post-ex; Area 6 post-ex of features; Area 8 building; Area 7 post-ex; Area 12 half section of pit 2119/20; 2121/22. |
17/9/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/2/30 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 12 half section of pit 2124/3; 2118/7; post-ex of 2107; 2109; 2118; 2123; 2112; 2115; half section of pit 2128/7; 2129/30 and 2131/2; post-ex of pit 2122; 2119; 2128; 2129 and 2131; general views of Area 12 and Area 8; Area 12 half section of pit 2138; 2133/4 and 2135/6; 2143/4 and 2145/6; 2142/1; 2140/39; post-ex of pit 2137; half section of pit 2153/4; 2152/1; 2147/8 and 2149/50; post-ex of 2152; 2140; half section of pit 2155/6; post-ex of 2144 and 2146; 2142; 2156; 2159; half section of pit 2161/2; post-ex of 2162. |
17/9/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/2/31 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 12 half section of pit 2163; section and W baulk of ditch; Area 8 stones 8003 in SW corner of pit cutting ditch; Area 12 half section of pit 2166/5; post-ex of 2165; half section of 2167/8; 2169/70; 2172/1; post-ex of 2170; 2172; 2168; half section of pit 2173/4; post-ex of 2174; half section of pits 2181/2 and 2183/4; post-ex of 2182 and 2184; general post-excavation view of Area 12 pits from NE; Area 8 cobbled layer 8146 from N; Area 13 E end of terrace wall; terrace wall and sump from SW-S; miscellaneous worked stone found in cemetery. |
20/9/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/2/32 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; worked stone in cemetery; general views of Hoddom excavation and location from helicopter. |
4/10/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/2/33 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: Area 13 wall 3102 from W; film card; wall 3102 in plan from E-W; 3102 in section from E-W; W end of section; Area 12 general views of linear feature, ditch and pits; location shot of Area 12; section across fence line 2189/90; fence line intersection with ditch; general views; pre-ex of pre-monastic pits 2200. |
9/10/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/2/34 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 12 half section of pits 2215-20; 2223/4; 2225/6; half section of linear feature 2227/8; half section of pit 2203/2; 2012/1; working shots of sampling; half section of pit 2213/4; 2233/4; sections through possible fence line 2236-40; half section of hearths 2200; half section of pit 2205/6; linear ditch feature 2253 from E; half section of pit 2209/10; 2221; 2242/3 and 2245/4; 2246/7; 2249/8; 2250/49; half section through ditch 2286; general view of ditch section; half section through ditch 2253; general working shots. |
10/10/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/1 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5 E part of palisade trench 5110; detail of carbonised timber 5189; 5189 in situ; rubble 5190 over 5150; 5110; patch 5158 over 5150; 5158 location from SW; half sections through 5110 from E; carbonised wood 5112 in 5110 section; Salvage area pit 131 half excavated; Area 5 stone feature 5150 from SW; S end of 5150; fill 5194 of stone box; working shots. |
23/6/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/2 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5 stone box base 5197; general view of house after removal of 5150 from SW; E limit of 5187 and post-holes; half section through 5187; half section of post-hole 5187/5072; half section of 5187/5200; stone features 5202-4; detail of 5202; detail of 5203-4; general view of layer 5188 and stone features 5203-4; 5204; general view of stone features 5202-4 and pits/post-holes 5192-5; 5204 detail. |
6/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/3 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5 stones 5203-4 from SE; layers 5208/9 in box cut 5191; general view of building and post-holes from SE; Area 7 after first cleaning from E; stone structure; general views of excavation; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5040; post-ex of post-hole 5224; half section of post-hole 5228; 5230; 5030. |
6/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/4 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5 half section of 5030; gully 5338 from S; half section of post-holes 5134 and 5222; 5236; 5231/2 and post-ex of 5171; 5264; 5136; 5220; 5298 and 5296; 5248 and 5240; 5218 and 5128; post-ex of 5130; half section of post-holes 5244 and 5170; 5250 and 5252; post-ex of post-holes 5372 and 5374; half section of post-holes 5268 and 5258; 5300; 5138; 5153 and post-ex of 5044; half section of post-hole 5046; 5054; 5050 and 5292; 5048; post-ex of 5304, 5060 and 5062; half section of post-hole 5302; 5284; 5330; 5024; 5020 and 5022; 5348 with post pipe; post-ex of 5018; half section of post-hole 5306; 5364; 5320, 5318 and 5316; 5328 and 5326; layer 5323 and post-hole 5390 from W. |
7/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/5 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5390; 5370; 5354; post-holes 5068 and 5363; section through pit 5446; section through pit 5340; half section of post-hole 5342; post-ex of post-holes 5006, 5010 and 5008; half section of post-hole 5004; 5000; 5120; post-ex of 5122; half section of post-hole 5126; half section of pit 5092; 5086; half section of post-hole 5346; 5358; 5362; 5376; 5084; 5082, 5452 and 5080; 5402; 5380; 5382 and 5076; 5366; post-hole 5314 with daub exposed; half section of 5314; half section of post-holes 5461 and 5386; 5078; post pipe cut 5212; half section of post-hole 5472; 5310 and 5364. |
7/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/6 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 10(N) views from N after first cleaning; half section of pit 1010/11; 1012/13; Area 5 post-holes 5308 and 5478/9; half section of post-hole 5080; half section of pit/post-holes 5341, 5451, 5472 and 5449; half section of post-hole 5482; pits 5484 with large stones; Area 10 half section of post-hole 1025; 1027; half section of feature 1017 under W baulk; half section of feature 1019; 1029; rabbit burrow 1025; half section of feature 1039; Area 5 pit 5451 with stones removed; Area 10 half section of feature 1041; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5330 with post pipe; half section of post-hole 5260; 5262; 5270/1 cutting 5248/9; 5422 and 5424; 5183; half section of pit 5181; Area 10 half section of feature 1015; 1021; 1023; 1031; 1033. |
7/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/7 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 10 half section of feature 1035; 1037; Area 5 section of post-hole 5426 cut by 5469; Area 7 industrial deposit 7067; location of 7067 from E; working shot; Area 5 pit 5434 and post-holes; post-hole 5438; half section of pit 5436; Area 7 clay dump 7056; stone spreads 7002 E of bunker; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5282; detail of 5282 showing carbonised wood; Area 7 general shots of excavation from E; Area 5 general shots of excavation from W; Area 7 pebble spread 7078 from W; Area 5/6 ditch and palisade from W; ditch and palisade from E. |
7/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/8 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5/6 ditch and palisade from E; film card; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5083 with carbonised wood; half section of post-hole 5081; 5488; large stones 5490 in ditch; half section of pit 5456; 5456 with stone removed; half section of post-hole 5400; miscellaneous view; half section of post-hole 5512; 5512 post-ex showing stones; linear feature 5518 from E; post-hole 5550; Area 7 general views of kiln from E; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5566; 5558 detail; section through feature 5558 abutting ditch; section through pit 5149; Area 6 stone alignment 6003 from SW. |
7/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/9 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5 post-hole 5568/9; half section of post-hole 5570/1; Area 7 mixed spread 7120 in SW corner of bunker; Area 5 view of main structure post-holes from S; half section of post-hole 5574; 5576; Area 6 pre-ex of post-hole 6005/4; 6007/6; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5578; 5580; box section of post-hole 5145; Area 6 half section of 6006/7; Area 5 half section of pit 5582-5; Area 6 post-ex of 6006; half section of 6004/5; Area 5 half section of pit 5586/7; Area 6 post-ex of 6004. |
7/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/10 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 6 half section of post-hole 6008/9; bone in fill 6009; half section of post-hole 6010/11; Area 5 view of S end; view of N end; view of W end; post-ex of pits in 5586 at W end; Area 6 half section of post-hole 6015/4; post-ex of 6010; 6012 and 6014; 6018 and 6016; cow burial pit 6008; quarter sections of pit 6020; general views of central structure from NE. |
7/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/11 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 6 half section of pit 6054 and associated post-holes; black deposit 6046 in house interior; general views of central structure from E; post-ex of 6020; W end of section through palisade trench 6052; section of 6052 W of structure; half section of post-hole 6059; Area 5 section through cut 5392; Area 6 packing stones 6055 in pit 6067; palisade trench cutting 6070; post-ex of 6068 stone setting; detail of rubble wall 6072; general view of 6072 from E. |
8/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/12 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5 half section of 5596; Area 6 post-hole 6073 with burnt timber in situ; house entrance with pivot 6074; half section of post-hole 6079; 6081; 6087; 6094; 6095; 6096; 6097; 6098; 6099; 6092; post-ex of 6091; walling with door pivot 6077 at S edge of structure; half section of post-hole 6104; 6102; 6110; section through features 6121-9; half section of post-hole 6126; 6130; post-ex of 6121 and 6128; general view of kiln/oven setting from NE; half section of post-hole 6132. |
8/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/13 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 6 half section of post-hole 6132; 6136; feature 6142; half section of post-hole 6144; rubble 6148 on E side of structure; detail of 6148; half section of post-hole 6149; packing stones 6152; post-hole in section 6147; 6142 post-ex; half section of post-holes 6158; spread 6157 on S side of entrance; half section of post-hole 6163; 6171; 6147; W facing section of main ditch 6173; E facing section of 6173; half section of post-holes 6174-9; 6190; section through feature 6192/3; half section of post-hole 6209; 6210; 6212; 6218; 6224; 6188; 6182 and 6184; 6185 and 6187. |
8/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/14 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 6 half section through 6215; post-ex of 6192; 6182; 6214; 6184, 6204 and 6186; E facing section through ditch 6173 from N-S; half section of post-hole 6243/4; half section of pit 6241/2; general view of E facing section through 6237 in W baulk area; 6237 section from S-N; post-ex of 6241; 6243; general view of features from NE; section through 6249; half section of post-hole 6258; post-ex of 6253; section through 6276/7; half section of post-hole 6264; 6266; 6268; 6270; 6272. |
8/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/15 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: Area 6 half section of post-hole 6274/5; 6278/9; 6280/1; 6287/8; post-ex of 6258; half section of post-hole 6217; 6285/6; 6283/4; half section of 6291-4; post-ex of 6217; half section of post-hole 6255/6; post-ex of 6280; 6278; 6255; half section of post-holes 6260-2; post-ex of 6206; half section of post-hole 6295; 6297; post-ex of 6291-4; NW facing section of feature 6247; post-ex of 6283; half section of post-hole 6301/0; post-ex of 6285; 6264; 6266; 6274; 6270; 6253; 6272; 6268; 6287; half section of post-hole 6304/3. |
8/1991 |
Batch Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
BP 125/3/16 |
Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland |
Excavation photographs: film card; Area 6 post-ex of post-hole 6299; 6263; 6260; 6297; 6276; 6304; half section of post-hole 6312/3; section through 6314-7; half section of post-hole 6318/9; quarter section of pit 6322; post-ex of 6312-7; NE facing section through feature 6325-8; quarter sections of pit 6322; post-ex of 6325 cutting 6221; half section of post-hole 6334/5; 6336/7; section through pit 6329-31; NW facing section of 6327/8; post-ex of 6336; 6334; half section of post-hole 6332/3; post-ex of pit 6329; 6332; 6322; Area 5 layer 5214 showing cuts 5601-5 from SW; burnt clay 5603 in fireplace 5602; section through 5604/5; section across 5602. |
8/1991 |
Batch Level |