On-line Digital Images
SC 1710319
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710377
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710378
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710379
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710439
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710440
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710441
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710442
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710443
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710444
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710454
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Myreside, oblique aerial view, taken from the ENE, showing cropmarks, including those of a ring ditch and a possible pit-defined enclosure, in the centre. A linear cropmark runs from the centre to the bottom edge of the photograph.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710455
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Myreside, oblique aerial view, taken from the NNW, showing cropmarks, including those of a ring ditch and a possible pit-defined enclosure, in the centre. A linear cropmark runs across the centre of the photograph.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710456
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Myreside, oblique aerial view, taken from the NW, showing cropmarks, including those of a ring ditch and a possible pit-defined enclosure, in the centre. A linear cropmark runs from the top left-hand corner towards the centre of the photograph.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710457
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Myreside, oblique aerial view, taken from the W, showing cropmarks, including those of a ring ditch and a possible pit-defined enclosure, in the centre. A linear cropmark runs up the centre of the photograph. Further cropmarks, of a pit alignment and a possible enclosure, are visible in the top left-hand corner.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710497
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the ring-ditch, field boundary, possible pit-defined enclosure, pit-alignment, pits and frost wedges, taken from the E.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710498
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the ring-ditch, field boundary, possible pit-defined enclosure, pit-alignment, pits and frost wesges, taken from the ENE.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1710499
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the ring-ditch, field boundary, possible pit-defined enclosure, pit-alignment, pits and frost wedges, taken from the NNW.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1783606
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Print generated from slide
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1860632
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2011235
RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Oblique aerial view.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
DP 392761
Historic Environment Scotland
Oblique aerial view
Item Level