Print Room
FID 77/28
View of Culross Abbey from the sea
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/30
Culross Abbey, view of Conventual Buildings from south
Sparrow fc
Published May 6th:1789 by S Hooper
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/31
View of Abbey Church from North
D Blackmore
Item Level
Print Room
B 96494 PO
Historic photograph.
View of Culross Abbey, tower and churchyard from the NW.
c. 1900
Item Level
Print Room
B 96495 PC
Collection of photographs and postcards by J Valentine and Sons Ltd, photographers, Dundee, Scotland
General view.
Item Level
Print Room
B 96493 PC
General Collection
General view.
Item Level
Print Room
B 96502 PC
Records of Ian Gordon Lindsay and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Aerial view of Abbey and surroundings.
Item Level
Print Room
B 96501 PC
Records of Ian Gordon Lindsay and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
General interior view.
Item Level
Print Room
B 96487 PC
General Collection
General view.
Item Level
Print Room
B 96492 PC
Records of Ian Gordon Lindsay and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
General view.
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/2
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Plan and north elevation of Culross Abbey.
c. 1905
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/3
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
South elevation of Culross Abbey.
c. 1905
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/4
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
East elevation and longditudinal section through transepts of Culross Abbey.
c. 1905
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/5
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
West elevation of Culross Abbey.
c. 1905
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/6
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Diagram sketch plan of church; half interior and half exterior elevations and section of Culross Abbey.
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/8
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
South and north Transept arches; arch south side of nave; window in east
wall of north transept - Elevations 1":2' Details 1/4 f.s Delt T Aikman Swan
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/10
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Elevations of recess in tower wall, door to nave in east wall of tower, window in north wall of chancel; plan of ceiling and details of jamb and arch mould, Culross Abbey.
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/12
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Sections, elevation and details of Argyle Tomb, Culross Abbey.
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/13
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Elevations of west door, cloister door, door to north transept; sketch of dog tooth, and sections through jamb and arch moulds, Culross Abbey.
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/15
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Sketches of Culross Abeey with measurements.
c. 1905
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/16
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Sketch of grave slab used as lintel in north door of nave.
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/24
Papers of Alexander Archer, artist, Edinburgh, Scotland
Part of Culross (abbey) Church with stone figure. (effigy of wife of John Stewart of Innermeath)
insc. 'from Nature by A.Archer. 23rd October 1835'
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/25
Papers of Alexander Archer, artist, Edinburgh, Scotland
Culross Church. North side of Choir
insc. 'Drawn by A.Archer 23rd Oct. 1835'
Item Level
Print Room
FID 77/26
Papers of Alexander Archer, artist, Edinburgh, Scotland
insc. 'Cloisters of Culross Abbey Drawn by A.Archer 23rd Oct. 1835'
Item Level