MS 500/53/49
Glasgow, 60 Boden Street, Eagle Pottery.
3 sheets - map extracts and location map, plus notes, 1981
1 sheet - rubbing of pottery mark on base of a stoneware jar (found in Shetland 1981)
4 b/w photographs
B 26522 PO - general view of pottery building, looking WEst at corner of Boden Street and Bernard Street; c.1869-1891 (with 'to let' sign).
B 10067/1 and /2: 2 views in same position, looking West at former Eagle Pottery (now 'Boden warehouse) 13/10/1981
B 10068 VIew of building, looking along Boden Street 23/7/1981.
c. 1981
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MS 500/53/1
Records of the Scottish Industrial Archaeology Survey at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Sco
Most brick and tile works listed separately under street name and or name of works; however, there are some works where only a very limited amount of information is available, or where the site has not been exactly located; this category of works is filed with 'general/not located'.
14 sheets - lists of brick and tile makers in Glasgow, extracted from Pigot's Directory (1825-6); Slaters' directory (1860, 1867, 1873, 1889, 1915); Ordnance Gazetteer, vol.III, 1891; Kelly's directory, 1928; Rylands' 1936.
Sheets - 'A Glasgow Brickmaker in the 1860's' by J.R.Hume (typed script): History, Markets, Products, Raw Materials, Transport, costs, workforce etc, in 1860's Glasgow.
1 sheet - a note on the survey by SIAS officer, G. Douglas.
2 sheets - notes/lists of works, from Mitchell Library sources.
2 sheets - notes from Glasgow City Archive sources.
10 sheets - copies of letters sent to Reverand I.G.Ramsay by Lachlan MacDonald Dinwoodie concerning brick in Glasgow; Mr Dinwoodie took an interest in Glasgow bricks, and collected a number before his death in 1981. He deposited some information in the Mitchell Library (source of these copies but all the rest of his artefacts have diappeared since his death. Letters; 1976, 1978 plus diagrams of bricks and location map.
17 sheets - copies from 'Industries of Glasgow and the West of Scotland' by Angus Maclean (ed), pub. Local Commitee for the Meeting of the British Association (1901); pp.3-13, 'Mining and Quarrying'; pp. 195-209, 'Glass, Pottery, Brick Making etc.'.
Item Level