Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
A 379
Records of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, England
General view of cross, taken from the SW.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
B 61990
Papers of Cecil L Curle, archaeologist, Edinburgh, Scotland
Detail of the cross head, taken from the SSW.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
A 380
Records of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Detail view of the cross head, taken from the SW.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 8720
Copies of illustrations from John Stuart, The Sculptured Stones of Scotland
Fragment of cross-shaft at Kilchousland, and cross-slab at St Calmag.
From J Stuart, The Sculptured Stones of Scotland, vol.ii, 1867, pl. lvi.
Filed under NS06NW 1.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
B 67372
St Colmac Cross, Bute. Early Christian cross-slab.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
A 38701
Bute, Kilmachalmaig Cross.
Kilmachalmaig Cross, (TD1), E. St Colmac. West side.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
A 38702
Bute, Kilmachalmaig Cross.
Kilmachalmaig Cross, (TD1), E. St Colmac. Detail of head.
Item Level