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Falkland Palace

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Manuscripts MS 503/13 Copies of records from the National Trust for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland Manuscript package including report, photographs and drawings by Jack Fisher Partnership. Report: Jack Fisher Partnership Structure and Fabric 24.3.88 Photographs: Jack Fisher Partnership Interior and Exterior October 1987 Drawings: Jack Fisher Partnership November 1987 1. South Range Plans; Lower Ground Floor Plan; Ground Floor Plan 2. East Range Plans; Lower Ground Floor Plan; First Floor Plan 3. South Range Plans; First Floor Plan; Second Floor Plan 4. South and East Range Plans; First Floor Plan; Third Floor Plan 5. Roofspace Plan 6. Roof Plan 7. South Range Elevations; North elevation; South Elevation 8. West Elevation; Longitudinal Section; Cross Section 9. Cross House Elevation; North Elevation; South Elevation; East elevation; West Elevation 1987 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 733/135 Records of Scotia Archaeology Ltd, Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland Falkland Palace Report on a watching brief during the excavation of drains and associated features during consolidation and repair work during December 1996. 16/1/1997 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 733/143 Records of Scotia Archaeology Ltd, Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland Falkland Palace Watching brief during March/April 1996 21/6/1996 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 733/158 Records of Scotia Archaeology Ltd, Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland Falkland Palace Excavations Site Day Book Volume 1 1995 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 733/159 Records of Scotia Archaeology Ltd, Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland Falkland Palace Excavations Site Day Book Volume 2 1995 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 848/13 Copies of records from the National Trust for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland Report on Excavations at Falkland Palace, Fife, September 1998 National Trust for Scotland Report no. 18 1999 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 2587 NON-SITE BASED: BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION, BONNAR FAMILY , INTERIOR DECORATORS Biographical notes relating to the Bonnar family (interior decorators and artists based in Edinurgh), compiled by Helen Smailes, Senior Curatorof British Art, National Gallery of Scotland, 2006. 2006 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 36/94 Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu Field notebook of G P H Watson (RCAHMS). Title 'Stirling, Fife, Mumrills, Falkland Palace'. 4/12/1924 Item Level