Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/58 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Survey drawings: vegetation survey. |
1978 |
Item Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/27 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: Plans and sections of cairn 24/01; contour survey. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/28 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: Plans and sections of site 24/02; burnt mound; contour surveys. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/29 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: plans and sections for site 24/03; 24/3b; 24/3c further excavation area. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/30 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: plans and sections for site 24/04. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/31 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: plans and sections for site 24/05; boundary 9 east-west line. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/32 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: plans for site 24/06. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/35 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: sections for sites 24/12-24/16; 24/18; 24/21-24/22; 24/25-24/30; 24/34-24/41; 24/44; boundary sections; earthen banks; ditch banks; stone walls; boundary 1 major north-south line; boundary 2-5 east-west line; boundary 6-8 north-sourth line; boundary 9 east-west line; boundary 10 north-south line; boundary 11 north-west to south-west line; 24-26 &24-28 section notes. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/36 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: plans and sections for site 24/50; 24/50A; plain table survey; cultivation area; rig and furrows. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/33 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: plans and sections for site 24/07; surface survey; cairns 7A, 7B and 7C; cairn C cist. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/34 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: sections for site 24/11; boundary 5 east-west line. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/37 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: plans and sections for site 24/51; cultivation area; plough furrows; charcoal spread; plain table survey. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/38 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
survey drawings: pps surveys plans; site 24; area A; area B; area C; grid sheet no. 0005-0015; 0400-0515; 1000-1015; 1500-1515. Pre-publication survey drawings. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/39 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Publication drawings: pre-publication illustrations; working drawings; 10/1 hut circle; 16/1 platform settlement;16/C3 16B4 grid square excavation; 24/1 section A; 24/3 stone structure; 16/3 phasing diagram; 16/7 field bank sections; 16/8-16/9 field bank sections; tormore survey; 10/1 hut circle post holes; 10/1 hut circle after peat removal; 16/3 interpretive plan and section of cairn; 16/4 field bank section of cairn; 16/3 cairn cist; 16/3 cairn section; 16/2 cist; 16/7 'fernie bank' section; 24/38 24/15 24/39 sections; 24/25 24/24 sections; 24/5 section; 24/44 24/16 sections; 24/12 section; 24/20 section; 24/27 section; 16/7 sections; 24/22 24/30 sections; 24/22 24/52 sections; 24/12 24/13 24/21 sections; 24/28 24/29 24/30 sections; 24/35 24/18 24/38 24/36 sections; 24/26 section; 16/11A 'fernie bank' section; 16/8 16/9 sections; 16/6 16/2 sections; 16/4 16/5 sections; 24/39 section. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/40 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Publication Drawings; final publication illustrations; location maps; survey maps; distribution maps; plans; sections; find diagrams. |
1980 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/49 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: 24/01 plan after removal of F01; overlay for plan; 24/02 E extension at level 1 after turf removal; 24/3C section showing F42; 24/07C plan after turf removal and overlays; SW quadrant of section through cairn C; cist overlays and section; 24/11 overlay of NE section; E-W section through bank and ditch. |
1978 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/50 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: 24/50A plan of F9 rig and furrow; 24/51 E-W section of of N facing baulk; S profile of main area; 24/52 plan after removal of F01; pre-ex plan of F6 and F15; stakehole sections F10-11, F13-14; N section through field boundary; extension of planned area; plan; plan after removal of spotted dick F4; 24/53 plan of trough; F3 and F4 section; W facing section and plan; 24/100 section. |
1978 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/51 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Excavation drawings: 24/02; box trenches showing relationship of F7 and F8; plan of 2m strip showing F9, F10 and F18; W extension of trench; F21 post-hole in E extension; S end of N-S section across mound; 2m strip showing F24 and 16; contour survey of N section; contour survey of S section; N section showing levels F16 and F18; 3m strip SW corner after cleaning; F16 and F41; NW extension; plan of E 3m extension at level F18; F40; section through F71 and F62, F61 in N baulk; box section through F10 and F24; plan of F24 with baulk removed. |
1978 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/52 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Survey drawings: contour map and geographical setting for survey area. |
1978 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/53 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Survey drawings: site grid and topographic survey. |
1978 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/54 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Survey drawings: overlays and sketches showing the relationship with Roger Mercer's 1976 survey of Machrie North. |
1978 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/55 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Survey drawings and diagrams: soil sample pits; rough notes; descriptions; pit and stone probe at grid 0805; plans and sections of pits with archaeology; pits in grids 0709, 0809 and 0708; pits in grids 0716, 0812, 0704, 0805 and 0717; plans of pits with archaeology; grid plan of soil pit locations; graph for pits according to grid reference. |
1978 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/56 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Survey drawings: post-ploughing survey; area D 0015; area B 0305; area A 0400; area A 0500; area B 0505; area C 0510; area A 0515; area A 1000; area B 1005; area C 1010; area D 7015; 1500; area B 1505; area C 1510; area D 1515; all grids; survey key; wood plan; drawings from AP of post-plough area; area B 1005. |
1978 |
Batch Level |
Prints and Drawings |
BD 70/57 |
Historic Scotland Archive Project |
Survey drawings: peat depth measurements; drawing and data. |
1978 |
Batch Level |