Prints and Drawings
DC 25142
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Publication drawing; Dunkeld Cathedral and its environs
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
PTD 47/1
View of Dunkeld Cathedral from the South-East.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
PTD 47/2
Dunkeld, Dunkeld Cathedral.
Ground plan showing building dates.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
PTD 47/3
Dunkeld, Dunkeld Cathedral.
West doorway and text on p. 15.
Nave looking North-West on p.16.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
PTD 47/4
Dunkeld, Dunkeld Cathedral.
Wall tomb in nave South aisle on p.17.
Sedilia in choir South wall and text; fargments of celtic cross on p.18.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
PTD 47/6
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Dunkeld, Dunkeld Cathedral.
Window details noted ' not correct JW'.
c. 1900
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
PTD 47/7
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Dunkeld, Dunkeld Cathedral.
South bay of nave and West door noted 'not correct JW'
c. 1900
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
PTD 47/8
Records of the National Art Survey of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Dunkeld, Dunkeld Cathedral.
Architectural details.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
PTD 47/15
Dunkeld, Dunkeld Cathedral.
View of Dunkeld
Insc: 'To Her Grace the Duchess Dowager of Buccleuch and Queensberry this View of Dunkeld is Dedicated with the Highest Respect by Her Grace's very obliged and obediant Servant Hugh William Williams'
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
WHS 59/2
Wheeler and Sproson
Christmas and New Year greetings card.
Signed 'HA Wheeler 87'. Titled 'Dunkeld Cathedral'. Ascribed 'Designed by Sir Anthony Wheeler, President R.S.A. for The Society of Friends of Dunkeld Cathedral'.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 68183
Collection of drawings of Tullibardine Chapel and Dunkeld Cathedral, Perth and Kinross
Drawing showing S elevation of Dunkeld Cathedral
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 68184
Collection of drawings of Tullibardine Chapel and Dunkeld Cathedral, Perth and Kinross
Drawing showing N elevation of Dunkeld Cathedral
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 68185
Collection of drawings of Tullibardine Chapel and Dunkeld Cathedral, Perth and Kinross
Drawing showing W and E elevations of Dunkeld Cathedral
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 62393
Historic Environment Scotland
Pencil drawing of Dunkeld cathedral- 18th Naval vessel mason's mark
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
IGL 1920/4/3
Records of Ian Gordon Lindsay and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Ecclesiastical research material.
Sketch plans, elevations and details of S Croce, Florence. Perspective views of unidentified church and elevations of Iona Abbey. Design for front cover, map showing position of cathedrals, block plans and typescript for publication, 'The Cathedrals of Scotland'.
c. 1926
Batch Level