Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 39139
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Perth, 1 Mill Street, Pullar's Dyeworks
View from south east of east end of south elevation of three-storeyed and attic block overlooking Mill Street (built in 1901)
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 39140
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Perth, 1 Mill Street, Pullar's Dyeworks
View from south of crow-stepped gable incorporated into centre of block at east end of Mill Street (with 1901 date plaque)
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 39141
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Perth, 1 Mill Street, Pullar's Dyeworks
View from south west of east end of south elevation of three-storeyed (and attic) block overlooking Mill Street (built in 1901)
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 39142
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Perth, 1 Mill Street, Pullar's Dyeworks
Detailed view from south of overhead gantry linking the two blocks in Mill Street
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 39145
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Perth, 1 Mill Street, Pullar's Dyeworks
General view from south west of corner of Mill Street (right) and Kinnoull Street (left)
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 39153 CN
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Perth, 1 Mill Street, Pullar's Dyeworks
View from south west of east end of south elevation of three-storeyed (and attic) block overlooking Mill Street (built in 1901)
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
PT 1706
A collection of photographs relating to J Pullars Dye Works, Perth, Scotland
Perth, Pullar's Dyeworks, interior.
View of model of dyeworks.
c. 1901
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
G 80150 PO
A collection of photographs relating to J Pullars Dye Works, Perth, Scotland
Perth, Pullar's Dyeworks.
General aerial view.
c. 1950
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
G 80151 PO
A collection of photographs relating to J Pullars Dye Works, Perth, Scotland
Perth, Pullar's Dyeworks.
General aerial view.
c. 1950
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
G 80152 PO
A collection of photographs relating to J Pullars Dye Works, Perth, Scotland
Perth, Pullar's Dyeworks.
General view of dyeworks, East end of Mill Street and Castle Gable, with street cobbling in progress in foreground.
c. 1900
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
G 80153 PO
A collection of photographs relating to J Pullars Dye Works, Perth, Scotland
Perth, Pullar's Dyeworks.
General view of dyeworks, East end of Mill Street and Castle Gable, before post-1945 buildings were added.
c. 1900
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
G 80155 PO
A collection of photographs relating to J Pullars Dye Works, Perth, Scotland
Perth, Pullar's Dyeworks.
General view of East end of Mill Street and Castle Gable, before post-1945 buildings were added.
c. 1900
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
G 80157 PO
A collection of photographs relating to J Pullars Dye Works, Perth, Scotland
Perth, Pullar's Dyeworks.
General view of East end of Mill Street and Castle Gable, before post-1945 buildings were added.
c. 1900
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
G 80158 PO
A collection of photographs relating to J Pullars Dye Works, Perth, Scotland
Perth, Pullar's Dyeworks.
General aerial view, mounted on card.
c. 1960
Item Level