MS 564/1
Interim report on the excavations at the deserted medieval burgh of Rattray
Item Level
MS 880/3
Contents of Box File 3 including;
Xerox of 1869-70 OS map
Xerox map Robertson 1822
Ainslie 1785
Haddo Estate map 1838
Levels book and notes
Original survey notes all sites
Last site codes
Air photographs (Aberdeen archaeological surveys) Neg AAS/77/10/5M/19 & 25
Two un-numbered photographs
Xerox Grampian Regional Council Archaeological site index: Burgh of Rattray, Castle Hill,
St Marys Chapel
Xerox Grampian Regional Council Archaeological artefacts index: clay urns (kiln props)
Notes on gravestones in Rattray Chapel yard (1985)
Catalogue of plans
Catalogue of photographs
Miscellaneous correspondence
Item Level
MS 880/4
Contents of Box File 4 including;
Copies of interim reports for 1985, 86, 87, 88, 89 (1/2).
Copies of sections of published report 'A Scottish Deserted Burgh' 1992
Archive summary, layer lists and stratigraphic matrix for sites: CAS, CP85, FP 1987,
CP500, 600, 700, FP500, trial trench, 800, stream, 700-707, and RB.
List of site codes
Key to sites on OS map
Layer check list all areas
Item Level
MS 880/5
Contents of Box File 5 including;
Publication drafts of PSAS article and of Medieval Archaeology report on the medieval burgh.
Item Level
MS 880/6
Contents of Box File 6 including;
Three small-finds registers (on-site).
Alison Goodall report on Cu alloy and correspondence relating to analysis.
Alison Goodall report on Fe and correspondence relating to analysis.
Lab lists of finds processed and excavation lists of objects sent to lab.
Correspondence re conservation.
Conserved finds list of boxes and contents.
Archive catalogue finds.
Catalogue non-conserved Fe.
List of missing finds.
Miscellaneous correspondence and reports on finds: Lead seal 1095, masonry frag 439.
Coins - S Thain
Bone - A MacGregor
Spurs - B Ellis
Harness Badge - J Cripps
Glass Vessel fragment - P Graves
Iron nails full lists.
Notes concerning objects found and reported by metal-detector user.
Item Level
MS 880/7
Contents of Box File 7 including;
Specialist reports and correspondence:
1 - Dr M Spearman and I Cullen - Metalworking Debris
2 - Dr I Fisher - Chapel
3 - F McCormick - Animal Bone
4 - S Hamilton-Dyer - Bird and Fish Bone
5 - J A Gater - Magnetometer Survey 1986 &1987
- Resistivity Survey 1987
6 - Crone, Coles, Broadman - Prehistoric Environmental Reports
7 - N Trewin - Pottery Thin Sections
8 - Crone - Identifying Charcoal CP702.
Lists of samples and post-excavation assessment of samples.
Item Level
MS 880/8
Contents of Box File 8 including;
Documentary background - J Cripps:
1 - Printed Charter evidence C13th-1564
2 - Hay v. Keith - C16th process papers & roll tube 1 (Photocopies from SRO)
3 - Cumyn Mss
4 - Printed descriptive material c1680-1910
5 - Maps & photo detail part of Pont's map
Copy of final report and property layout diagram
File of miscellaneous printed references to Rattray added by H Murray
Item Level
MS 880/1
Contents of Box File 1 including: Site context sheets (on site) Castle (CAS) site only.
Item Level
MS 880/2
Contents of Box File 1 including;
Site context sheets (on site) all sites except Castle.
Map identifying sites.
Item Level
MS 880/9
Complete lists of the various material contained within the archive entrusted to the NMRS.
This includes a list of: box files, drawings, colour slides and both colour & B & W prints.
The contents list differs slightly from the actual archive received. Also included are the sets of contact prints.
Item Level
MS 1763
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Interim Report: The Medieval Burgh of Rattray, Aberdeenshire
Item Level