Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/4/2
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Layout plan of grounds, showing gardens and leisure facilities.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/2/6
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sketch plans and elevation. Contract plans.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/2/3
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/1/9
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sketch plans.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/1/6
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sketch plans.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/1/5
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sketch plans.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/1/4
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sketch plans.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/6/11
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Plans, sections, and elevations of covered court and baths.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/6/10
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Plans, sections, and elevations of baths.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/6/9
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Plans, sections, and elevations of covered court.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/6/3
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Plans, sections and elevations of gate lodge.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/5/9
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Plans, sections and elevations of additions and alterations.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/5/8
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Elevations of additions and alterations.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/5/7
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sections and elevations of additions and alterations.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/3/2
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sections and elevations.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/1
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sections of ground levels and sketch plans.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/2
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sketch plans and elevation. Contract plans.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/3
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Block plans, sections and elevations, including plan and sections of approach and service roads.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/5
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Sections of approach road. Plans, sections and elevations of additions and alterations.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
DPM 1870/119/6
Records of Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Formerly Dunblane Hydropathic Institution.
Plans and sections, and elevations of covered court and baths. Details of tower. Plans, sections and elevations of gate lodge, washing house and laundry. Block plan of main buildings. Part sections of main building showing ground levels. Sketch plan of attic floor. Heating plan. Section, elevation and details of entrance door.
Batch Level