Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006662
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 1: Site location associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006663
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 5: Plan of the evaluation trenches associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006664
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 7: Detail of the S facing section through ditch cut [016] associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006665
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 10: Existing ground floor plan associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006666
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 11: Existing mezzanine and first floor plans associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006667
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 12: Existing south and east elevations associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006668
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 13: Existing north and west elevations associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006669
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Drawing associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 004960
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Report associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
DX 001236
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Site register associated with archaeological monitoring at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
DX 001239
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Environment tables associated with watching brief at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
DX 001240
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Site registers associated with watching brief at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
DT 000132
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Finds database associated with watching brief at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 004962
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Report associated with watching brief at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 004963
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Written scheme of investigation associated with watching brief at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006670
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 1: Site location associated with watching brief at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006671
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Illustration 2: Site plan associated with watching brief at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
GV 006672
Records from Headland Archaeology Ltd, archaeologists, Edinburgh, Scotland
Drawing associated with watching brief at Niddrie Mill Primary School, Edinburgh
Item Level