Prints and Drawings
GHT PB/161/A/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Front wall plans and elevation.
Titled: 'Elevation of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 Buccleuch Crescent'.
Insc: 'not used' '7 Royal Exchange Edinr'.
c. 1880
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PB/161/B/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Front wall plans and elevation.
Titled: 'Elevation of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 Buccleuch Crescent Feued to Mr James Steel'.
Insc: 'a copy of this elevation with details given to Mr Steel Sept 1880' '7 Royal Exchange'.
Dated: 'Edinr May 1880'.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PB/162/A/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Part elevation and full size details of railing.
Titled: 'Buccleuch Crescent Details for Railing round Pleasure Ground'.
c. 1880
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PB/163/A/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Front wall plans and front elevation.
Titled: 'Drawing of Lots Buccleuch Crescent Wester Coates'.
Insc: '7 Royal Exchange Edinr'.
c. 1880
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PB/168/A/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Front wall plans, section and front elevation.
Titled: 'Front Elevation of Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 Buccleuch Crescent'.
Insc: '7 Royal Exchange'.
Dated: 'Edinr Augst 1874'.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PB/172/A/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Front wall plans and front elevation of house.
Insc: '7 Royal Exchange Edinr'.
Insc on verso: 'Buccleuch Crescent Original Elevation'.
c. 1870
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PB/172/A/2
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Front wall plans and front elevation of house.
Insc: '7 Royal Exchange Edinr'.
c. 1870
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PB/172/B/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Plan and sections of bay window for house.
c. 1870
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PP/26/A/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Feuing plan.
Insc: 'Edinburgh 21st May 1872. This is the ground or feuing plan of part of the lands of Coates belonging to the Governors of Heriots Hospital lying between the back of Grosvenor Crescent and Coates Gardens Street and the Water of Leith, and between Magdala Crescent on the West and Coates Baulk Road on the east, and which plan is that referred to in the Articles and Conditions of Roup and Feu of said lands which are signed by me of even date herewith. - Wm Forrester Treasurer of George Heriot's Hospital' '7 Royal Exchange'.
Signed: 'John Chesser Archt'.
Dated: 'Edinr 21st May 1872'.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PP/32/A/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Plan and sections of ground at Douglas Crescent, Palmerston Place, Buccleuch Crescent and Argyle Crescent showing ground levels and drainage.
Titled: 'Plan Of Levels Of Streets And Drainage Of Ground At Wester Coates Feued by the Governors of George Heriot's Hospital'.
Insc: '7 Royal Exchange'.
Dated: 'Edinr October 1872'.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PP/32/A/2
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Plan and sections of ground at Douglas Crescent, Palmerston Place, Buccleuch Crescent and Argyle Crescent showing ground levels and drainage.
Titled: 'Plan Of Levels Of Streets And Drainage Of Ground At Wester Coates Feued by the Governors of George Heriot's Hospital'.
Insc: '7 Royal Exchange'.
Dated: 'Edinr October 1872'.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PP/32/B/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Sections of ground at Buccleuch Crescent, Argyle Crescent and Palmerston Place showing ground levels and drainage.
c. 1872
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
GHT PP/255/B/1
Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Street elevation and front wall plans.
Title: 'Elevation of Buccleugh Crescent Wester Coates on ground feued by the Governors of George Heriot's Hospital'.
Insc: '7 Royal Exchange Edinr'.
Dated: 'March 1875'.
Item Level