Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51688
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area S - western defences, D shaped pit.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51689
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area S - western defences, D shaped pit.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51690
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area S - western defences, D shaped pit.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51691
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area S - western defences, D shaped pit.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51692
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area S - western defences.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51910
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area CC - western defences electricity service trench, from south.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51911
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area CC - western defences electricity service trench, from south.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51912
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area CC - western defences electricity service trench, from south.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 51913
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation photograph : area CC - western defences electricity service trench, from east.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 2/53 CS
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation and construction slides
28 slides of the 1989 excavations, and the construction of the tunnel and shop:
1-7: Area S: General and detailed shots of the Western defences, with D-shaped pits in the N wall. Also area of 1750 guard.
8-10: Tunnel construction.
11-20: Various views of the tunnel and shop under construction.
26-33: Various shots inside the shop during construction, including views of the 17th century stair, portal and parapet.
11-20: Various views of the construction of the tunnel and shop.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 2/57 CS
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Excavation slides
36 slides of the 1989 excavations:
1-3: Area S/(T): Clay deposits at the base of the Storekeepers House.
4-5: Area L: Inner Barrier wall exposed by a pipe trench.
6-8: Area X: The top half of the front wall (1066) of the Storekeepers House.
9-10: Area X: Vertical view of the paving (1068) in front of the hearth in the Storekeepers House.
11-14: Area X: General view of the hearth (1067) in the N wall of the Storekeepers House.
15-16: Area X: View of flue arrangement (1072) beneath the hearth.
17-21: Area M: Skeleton 1168.
22-23: Area M: Skeleton 1175.
24-27: Area X: Patch of yellow clay soil (1081) overlying the bedrock (similiar to that found in Area H).
28-29: Area X: Views of 1083 - fill between 1073 and 1074.
30-33: Area X: Various shots of stones within 1076.
34: Area L: Machine digging at Inner Barrier.
35-36: Area X: Views of 1073 and 1074 fireplace.
Item Level