Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 114/4
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: hearth F15 with stones removed; ash dump F88; hearth F28 during excavation; general shots of van and location; general views of bedrock; F28 post-ex; post-hole F94 post-ex; F28 after removal of stones; pit F97 half sectioned; F97 post-ex; General location shots.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 114/2
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: F26 half sectioned; bank F45 in E baulk; F26 post-ex; post-hole F62 half sectioned; F25 and F76 half sectioned; section through peat layer F25; possible post-hole F41; section through gully F17; pit F68 half sectioned; stones F75 to W of site.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 114/3
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: Find 104 in situ; section through F75; hearth F14; stake hole F67 half sectioned; general views of new area opened; stake hole F67; general shots of wall abutting cairn; possible post-hole F84; possible post-hole F86; working shot of excavation; F67 post-ex.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 114/1
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: line of stones F11; section in SW corner of F11; general view of exposed features; general view from W; general view from E; orthostats F14 from W and N; gully F16 from W and N; hearth 2, F15 from S; W facing section showing stone bank F12; hearth F15 half sectioned; F14 cleaned back; hearth F29 going into baulk; F26 half sectioned after removal of fill F46.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 94/1 CS
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: line of stones F11; section in SW corner of F11; general view of exposed features; general view from W; general view from E; orthostats F14 from W and N; gully F16 from W and N; hearth 2, F15 from S; W facing section showing stone bank F12; hearth F15 half sectioned; F14 cleaned back; hearth F29 going into baulk; F26 half sectioned after removal of fill F46.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 94/2 CS
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: F26 half sectioned; bank F45 in E baulk; soil profile under peat at S of site; F26 post-ex; general view of van and cairn.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 94/3 CS
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: working shot of coring; post-hole F62 half sectioned; general shots of flotation system; general shots of excavation; section through peat layer F25; F25 and F76 half sectioned; possible post-hole F41; gully F17 half sectioned; pit F68 half sectioned; stones F75 to W of site.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 94/4 CS
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: section through F75; hearth F14; general views of new area opened; stake hole F67; general shots of wall abutting cairn; possible post-hole F84; possible post-hole F86.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 94/5 CS
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: hearth F15 with stones removed; ash dump F88; hearth F28 during excavation; general shots of van and location; general views of bedrock; F28 post-ex; post-hole F94 post-ex; pit F97 post-ex.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 94/6 S
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: hearth F29 in section; hearth F14 with orthostats; hearth F15 half sectioned.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BS 94/7 P
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Publication photographs: photographic copies of drawings; plan of hearth complexes; plan of excavation areas, chambered tomb, enclosure and field bank, and clearance cairn.
Batch Level