Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 000538
Wessex Archaeology
Report: Scapa Flow Wreck Surveys - Archaeological Interpretation of Multibeam data and Desk-based Assessement
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 000604
Scottish Institute of Maritime Studies
Orkney's Maritime Archaeology: Fieldwork Report and Results of Information Gathering. Draft typescript report (dated 28 August 1997) by the Scottish Institute of Maritime Studies, University of St Andrews.
[Contains summary of visitor facilities and current preservation situation, recommendations for scheduling, summary list of wrecks, and examples of conservation provisions in similar situations worldwide. No author cited, but believed to be by Anne Allen/Anna Bowman: see e-mails attached]. Note by GG Jul 2011: author believed to be D Groom - see MS 829/99 bibliography.
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 000721
Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA)
ORCA Marine: Project Adair - Mapping heritage sites in Orkney and the Pentland Firth
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
DT 000069
Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA)
ORCA Project Adair main database.
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
DT 000070
Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA)
ORCA Project Adair polygon database.
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
TM 000044
Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA)
ORCA Project Adair area shapefile.
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
TM 000045
Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA)
ORCA Adair site area polygons.
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 004816
Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA)
Report: 'High Seas Fleet Salvage Sites', Phase 1, Scapa Flow, Orkney
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 005508
Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA)
Report: 'Scapa Flow Underwater Salvage Sites Survey: Phase 2', Scapa Flow, Orkney
Item Level