Prints and Drawings
BD 1/21
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Kebister: 1987 survey archive
10 drawings from the 1987 survey:
Drawings 1-2: Map of survey area showing results.
Drawing 3: Map of survey area showing grid points.
Drawings 4-5: Survey area location maps: A: Shetland, B: Dales Voe and Lax Firth, C: map of survey area and results.
Drawings 6-7: Simplified peat depth contour plan and peat zones.
Drawing 8: Map of human activity (Neolithic to Post-Medieval) showing location of peat cuttings and dates.
Drawings 9-10: Map of sites and monuments distribution showing peat cuttings and modern disturbance. (Base plan with overlay.)
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 1/22
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Kebister: 1987 survey archive
Survey drawings with overlays of details and notes.
Drawings 1-2: Survey Block A.
Drawings 3-5: Survey Block B.
Drawings 6-8: Survey Block C.
Drawings 9-11: Survey Block D.
Drawings 12-14: Survey Block E.
Drawings 15-16: Survey Block F.
Drawings 17-19: Survey Block G.
Drawings 20-22: Survey Block H.
Drawings 23-25: Survey Block I.
Drawings 26-27: Survey Block J.
Drawings 28-29: Survey Block K.
Drawings 30-32: Survey Block L.
Drawings 33-35: Survey Block M.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 1/35
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Kebister excavation archive
9 miscellaneous drawings.
Drawing 1: Plan of Teind Barn with Kiln.
Drawing 2 = 3027: Area 2: Plan 564.
Drawings 3-4: Plan of Handigarth crofting settlement.
Drawing 5: Plan of unlabelled structure.
Drawing 6: Plan of unlabelled features: orthostats, paving and mounds of burnt stones.
Drawing 7: Trenches and Cuttings - Handigert Trenches.
Drawing 8: Location Plan of Area 4 Trench.
Drawing 9: Plan of post medieval (PM?) types.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 1/30
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Kebister excavation archive
27 site drawings, numbers 3001-3029.
Drawing 1 = 3001: Location Plan of Trenches 1 and 2 with Cuttings B and C.
Drawing 2 = 3002: Area 1 Base Plan 1985.
Drawing 3 = 3002b: Area 1 Base Plan.
Drawing 4 = 3003: Base Plan of Areas 2 and 3 prior to extensions 1985.
Drawing 5 = 3004: Intermediate Base Plan Areas 2 and 3.
Drawing 6 = 3005: Final Base Plan of Area 2 (1985-86).
Drawing 7 = 3006: Final Base Plan of Area 3 with part of Areas 2 and 4.
Drawing 8 = 3009: Area 6 Base Plan 1987.
Drawing 9 = 3010: Plan of Excavation Areas 1-6 (1985-86)
Drawing 10 = 3011: Small Find 435: Cross Incised Stone
Drawing 11 = 3012: General location plan - (1) Shetland; (2) Kebister area; (3) excavation areas.
Drawing 12 = 3013: Area 1: Kiln area.
Drawing 13 = 3014: Area 1: Composite Plan.
Drawing 14 = 3015: Area 2: Composite Plan, stone structure and adjacent features.
Drawing 15 = 3016: Area 2: Features in Natural Clay.
Drawing 16 = 3017: Area 3 Composite Plan.
Drawing 17 = 3018: Detail of crest of armorial stone.
Drawing 18 = 3019: Plan of Excavation Areas 1-6, 1985-86.
Drawing 19 = 3020: Structures in Area 1, S and W extensions.
Drawing 20 = 3022: Area 5 Composite Plan of Cellular Structures and Burnt Mound.
Drawing 21 = 3023: Area 1 Kiln and adjacent walls, 1985.
Drawing 22 = 3024: Area 1 Transects, Sections 5-9.
Drawing 23 = 3025: Area 1 'check plan', walls, plinth and adjacent walls, 1987.
Drawing 24 = 3026: Sketch plan of Area 2 after the removal of turf and clearance cairns, 1985.
Drawing 25 = 3027: Area 2: Plan 564.
Drawing 26 = 3028: Area 2 composite plan of stone structure and adjacent features (June 1985).
Drawing 27 = 3029: Area 2 composite plan of features in natural (July 1985) with transect lines 110-112.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 1/31
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Kebister excavation and survey archive
19 drawings numbered 3030-3046.
Drawing 1 = 3030: Area 2: Features in natural, July 1985 (colour plan).
Drawing 2 = 3031: Area 2: Features in natural - complete plan, August 1985. Section lines marked.
Drawing 3 = 3032: Area 2: Transects, Sections 110-112.
Drawing 4 = 3033: Area 2: Elevations of walls 608, 676 and section across 608/676/682 (Structures 1 & 2).
Drawings 5-6 = labelled 'with 3033': Plan of unidentified structure.
Drawing 7 = 3034: Sketch plan of Area 5 after removal of turf, 1986.
Drawing 8 = 3035: Sketch plan of 1344 and 1286.
Drawing 9 = 3036: Sketch extant plan 1348, Area 5.
Drawing 10 = 3037: Composite plan of Area 5 stone structures. Annotated as a poster for open day.
Drawing 11 = 3038: PT Survey 1985, Handigarth Units 5-7 and enclosures.
Drawing 12 = 3039: PT Survey 1985, Handigarth Units 1-5.
Drawing 13 = 3040: PT Survey 1985, Handigarth Units 1-7.
Drawing 14 = 3041: PT Survey 1985, Handigarth Units 1-7 and south enclosure.
Drawing 15 = 3042: Location Plan of Handigarth Trial Trenches.
Drawing 16 = 3043: PT Survey 1985, Plan of Area 1.
Drawing 17 = 3044: PT Survey 1985, Plan of stone structure in Area 2 and field bank to E.
Drawing 18 = 3045: PT Survey 1985, Clearance cairns W of Areas 1 and 2.
Drawing 19 = 3046: PT Survey 1985, Plane table survey of Areas 1 and 2.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 1/32
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Kebister survey archive
12 drawings from the 1985-87 survey.
Drawing 1 = 3047: PT Survey 1985, Plane table survey of Areas 1 and 2.
Drawing 2 = 3048: PT Survey 1985, Plan of Feature 7 in Area 4.
Drawing 3 = 3049: PT Survey 1985, Plan of Excavation Areas 1-6.
Drawings 4-5 = 3050: PT Survey 1986, Plan of Castle Strom.
Drawing 6 = 3051: PT Survey 1986, Plan of Castle Strom.
Drawing 7 = 3052: PT Survey 1987, Structure L1, Block L with clearance cairn to S (= Structure 19).
Drawing 8 = 3053: PT Survey 1987, Burnt Mound complex, Block G.
Drawing 9 = 3054: PT Survey 1987, Burnt Mounds, Block H (H1).
Drawing 10 = 3057: Hillside survey.
Drawing 11 = 3058: 1985 Hillside survey with 1987 grid overlay.
Drawing 12 = 3059: Hillside grid for 1987 survey.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 1/33
Records of Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Kebister survey archive
14 plans of survey blocks A-M (Kebister Drawing Nos 3030-3073).
Item Level